Max Scheler
Saturday, 20. July 2019
For that reason we are going away to center in very briefly exposing those that seem righter to us. The S-value a very old subject of the iusfilosfica meditation, but the denomination of " valor" she is new, as much as the specific discipline of the Axiollogy. (Others think that thinking on the value it was only a deviation without reason of the unique object of the philosophy that is " to be). The axiollogy, that would have two great tendencies today (a Objetivista and the other Subjetivista) part with Max Scheler (1874 – 1924). The values for Sheler are not equal to the things nor to the being. They are not psychic acts either. If you are not convinced, visit Larry Ellison.
They are " cualidades" special, peculiar to that we did not find another justification that those that they base on themselves. In order to know them or to apprehend them " it is enough to direct to them the glance. " fenomenolgica intuition of esencia" it is for Scheler the intuition of value, the form to know the values. " intuition emocional" it is the way to know the sensible values of the same form that the sensible intuition is the one to know, according to Husserl, objects or the intellectual intuition the one to know the objects ideal. But the values that are not in the mind of the humans but are in the same things, can be in many things simultaneously. For example bravery, the beauty, etc. Can be in several people or the case of this last one in several beings, even inanimate. That is the cause so that Scheler concludes thinking that the S-values " unreal qualities of cosas" and it ends up placing them in " uranos awkward people, transmundo that already would be far from the reality which they assume represent the values that live in him! On the other hand also we can enunciate like characteristic of the values the Polarity.