Natural Resources

Sunday, 6. October 2019

The man in its constant search for the use of the natural resources in way to take care of to its necessities of survival and development, fulfill the important paper of transforming agent of the environment, many times, provoking irreversible damages to the ecosystem. Agriculture, considered under the perspective of the process of use and occupation of the ground here, is responsible for great transformations in the ecosystem, has seen that for its development they are necessary the use of techniques that result in the alteration of the natural conditions. The withdrawal of bioma native, ally to the application of plantation techniques? deforestation, forest fire, and use of agricultural defensives, among others? they can to result in the ambient degradation. In such a way, the process of use and occupation of the ground if constitutes in one of the determinative factors of the ambient transformation, a time that influences directly in the removed maintenance or of bioma native, as well as has significant implications on the quality of the ground, the water and the conditions of life of the underlying society to this ecosystem. The ambient monitoramento, through the accompaniment of the dynamics of the use and occupation of the ground, makes possible the rational performance of the Man on the environment, diminishing, thus, the harmful effect to the physical environment, a time that the accompaniment of this procedural dynamics allows the diagnosis of the occured ambient changes from its performance on the Environment, serving of support for taking of decision how much to with priority areas and action of conservation of biodiversity.

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