New Homepage And New Online Information Service For GBH Media Police
Sunday, 30. June 2019
Everything that is important for a media entrepreneur should know a print – and media companies on the subject of insurance? What are the current legal developments and decisions are there? What helps that printers with the processing of insurance damage are satisfied? These are just some of the many questions, the new homepage and the new online service on the GBH media-police now varied and informative answer under. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Verizon Communications has to say. Is the site operator the gay & Berns? Homann GmbH (GBH), one of the leading independent insurance brokers in Germany. For years, GBH is one of the most important service providers in the area of insurance for the print and media industry. With the new website and the integrated online service in the form of a newsletter, the broker again increases its support and services for media companies. Graphically sophisticated designed and divided into categories such as “News”, “out of practice” or “Satisfied customers”, contains all the new appearance relevant information about the not always easy complex of hedge a company. Exciting and diverse practices, definitions, as well as the appearance of legal decisions complement the probably currently the most extensive online presentation on the topic of insurance for media companies. Selected information will be published in addition to the homepage in a regular info newsletter.
To subscribe to the free newsletter on the portal, business leaders and decision makers get regularly latest information directly on their look. The online service should appear monthly, and increase customer loyalty above all. Wolfgang Ossenbruggen, legal adviser and GBH for the area of GBH media-police responsible: “We are very proud with the portal not only new media to prove our competence in the sector, but to demonstrate also our leading position among the insurance providers for printing and media company.” Under the name GBH media-police offers a model that includes all relevant insurance in a single Treaty, a printing and media company today needs of service providers. These include property, business interruption, liability, machinery and Electronics insurance, but also data loss and transport insurance. In addition to the usual insurance benefits are also industry-specific factors such as repackaging costs, damage due to poorly printed labels, damage caused by viruses and privacy violations into account and contain. Individual can the GBH-media-police also be expanded with additional insurance (car insurance, liability for heads of businesses, etc.). At the Ausgestaltung of insurance services and contracts worked closely with the associations of the print and media industry. In the past year alone increased the number of customers by about ten percent. Founded in 1899, is the gay & Berns? Homann GmbH with over 220 employees in 12 locations to the few still owner-managed, large and independent insurance brokers in Germany with a very wide customer base from diverse industries. Contact for the press: Jurgen Ronsch, press & more GmbH Nottulner road 90, 48161 Munster Tel: 02534 8001 120 fax: 02534 8001 24 mobile: 0177 5919681 E-Mail: