Paid Surveys – Myths And Reality
Tuesday, 31. May 2011
Who among us has not tried to make money online? Many if not all. And it seems so simple: type in the same query Yandex 'earnings on the Internet "and immediately fall thousands of sites filled with sweet promises of easy earning big money. Of course, you as a reasonable person (who does not consider himself as such) immediately rejects obvious scam: magic wallets, golden showers and other debris and the cream of the network. It's all hype – rationally reasoning you. But here's the eye catches a tempting headline 'paid surveys'. Written all very thorough and seems to be true more than she looks like herself. What do you suggest? Participation in paid surveys and focus groups, as well as testing new products. Earnings per hour from 5 to 75 dollars.
-Wow! – Tell someone – yes I would, and 5 for the eyes was enough. There is just one small condition that would get the treasured halturku – you need to pay for the base companies engaged in paid online surveys. Its cost can vary depending on the position of selling the site and the arrogance of the seller, but the average is now 15 to 30 dollars. On the one hand you already sharpening the worm of doubt – and not just another hoax true? Did you send the coveted list of companies? Can be no doubt. You will receive a list of mandatory and companies out there will be quite real. There is only one, but very strong no.
Companies that work with international participants no more than a dozen interviews and if there are, it is extremely rare and very cheap cost. And given that the minimum amount payable is about 50 the prospects for U.S. to withdraw the money and does fade. All other companies (and they do a great many) work exclusively with U.S. citizens, at least Canada even less in Western Europe, and never with other regions. This is not surprising: after all, holding paid surveys is an efficient tool for market research. A major consumers of goods and services, namely live in developed countries. As Typically, such surveys ordered large companies to explore the views of consumers about the quality of goods or services offered by this company. Here, too, work market laws – for every dollar invested in poll will receive a minimum of five green profits. So, dear citizens of Russia and other cis countries, we can just relax and not bother about that – your opinion they simply are not interested in and pay for it no be. So what do you say: we are being deceived? Most likely the answer will be slightly different. Yes, there is a deception. But most likely, not deception, but self-deception. After all, you wanted to get rich quickly through prudent Americans, and this is the main error. And these sites sell 'air' is formally fulfilled its obligations to you. Base of companies have you received? Well, so what more do you need? Not received any surveys once a day or once a month? So you are filled correctly questionnaire or indicated a narrow range of interests. Money you will not be returned, and it will be your price paid for free cheese.