Pedagogical Reflection

Thursday, 2. June 2016

Lidiane Cristaldo Slis2 In movement we go to grow, to partilhar, to laugh and to play. With the movement, and possible optimum of the life. Why not optimum of the education? Child is life. Child is movement and moving it acquires abilities that its body trains, allowing bigger corporal dexterity, so that she can dominate them later. The child is a dynamic, full being of spontaneous investigations and with multiple physical abilities. Its motor ability is used for expansion of its development, where the game is its media and learning, as Flinchum (1981).

A great rival of the development of the motricidade of the child nowadays is the excess of TV, video game and use of computers, These technological ways offer activities that stimulate the passivity, due to the repetitive and unilateral mechanical movements. This finishes being cmodo the parents, who are leaving of side, of certain form, the interaction with proper son. Studies point that the trick is an unproductive activity, for not presenting resulted objective. In many occasions, for favoring the undesirable reproduction of attitudes to the pertaining to school spaces, classified as serious, where the attention and the devotion could not coexist attitudes and decurrent expressions of the playful activities. For Pablo Freire (1991), the formal learning is present in the entire body. Therefore the being that thinks is also the being that acts and that it feels. The citizen is become fullfilled and constructed moved for the intention, the desire, the directions, the emotion, the movement, the corporal and creative expression.

The direct and simple contact with the movement demonstrates how much the motricidade human being can instigate questions that allow the professor if to know and to construct to its practical indissocivel. Being thus, the focus will be the corporeidade. In this focus, the educator covers ways of corporal knowledge incisively searching a learning pautada in the possible one and the desirable one.

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