Wednesday, 30. May 2018

SLAVE OF the REASON Antonio Padilha de Carvalho For beginning of colloquy, we will have to inquire: To who it takes care of our education? Who effectively is benefited by the effective educational structure in our country? We are sages who the mass of students of Brazilian average education, always studies in the nocturnal period, with horria load reduced and in educational establishments without conditions none to receive them well. The calls studies ' ' supletivos' ' , far from good to prepare our young, they only finish for diplomar them for a machine of white slavery, prepared for exploration of the intelectiva force and work of this army of national reserve. The proposal of tecnificar average education shows the efetivao of this proposal, time that the pupils are ' ' educados' ' to take care of the demands of the industries, commerce and exploring services of the youthful forces of the country. Truily, we would have to prepare the students being searched to get emancipated, creative, critical pupils of the reality lived deeply, reading and capable to think and to make use of these positionings well. Cad the implantation of foreseen polytechnical education in the educational legislation? So that this comes to happen, it is primordial that the state structure, makes investments and changes in the organization of the public schools, offering immediately, more conditions of work for the professionals of the education, improving in substantial way the wage floor of the classroom, so that it has on the part of the professors, a bigger enrollment in the politics of improvement of the teach-learning of our estudantil society. Here it is the faithful picture of our current educational structure: Slave of the Man-machine Reason that does not think, explored man; Man who schemes thinking, exploring man, man who lives to scheme. Thought, machine that it searchs to explore.

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