Rio De Janeiro
Saturday, 30. June 2018
Another important point was to evidence that the process is more important that the product. The concern of the researcher can be concentrated in the product, but it is in the process that if lives deeply the evolution of the thought and the agreement. The challenge is to be inside and at the same time it are of it, having conscience and registering the advances. I confess that afro preferred to have the culture as subject of the research, for being more visible or more familiar than the grafiteiros and the gypsies. For being Carioca, I coexisted inside in my infancy the sound of atabaques of the night and with the vision of the forwardings displayed in the mornings of fridays, it directed when me to the school. Another fact that sharpened mine preference was the gone one of our mestrado group of to the community of the Federacy of Candombl and Umbandistas de Gois, to attend to the lecture of the Jayro Doctor Pear tree of Jesus. Phil Vasan is actively involved in the matter. The experience of this contact with the first black theologian was rich, who studies the religion afro and for knowing the difficulties and preconceptions that the community faces in the convivncia with evanglicos, in special in Rio De Janeiro, for having been the field of its research. Recently I talked with goiano engineer that is working in Luanda, Angola, that told to have looked for to contact a place of fetichism of candombl in that city, MS did not obtain to find, this because the evanglicas churches if had installed there in such a way that the African religiosidade had been pushed for the interior of the country. This example complements and discloses the dimension of the reality of the homogenization of the culture, that makes of the religion an important tool in the process because it goes until the soul of the person, in cerne of the violent culture and the traditional notion the sacred one.