Small Companies Success
Thursday, 26. July 2012
When initiating a business, the entrepreneurs pass for a delayed process and the success alone comes with work and planning very. Unhappyly, this is the reality of many entrepreneurs. Second research carried through for the Service of Support to the Micron and Small Companies of So Paulo (Sebrae) in 2010, 58% of the small business companies close the doors before completing five years. Although to be a high index, the study it shows a fall if comparative with year 2000, when the tax of mortality of the micron and small companies arrived 71% in the same period. World-wide specialist in corporative management makes me to this to remember the definition of the cycles of life of the companies pointed by Ichak Adizes. As well as Adizes, I believe that it has specific characteristics for each phase: at the beginning a leader has itself who acts of intuitiva form, later the company passes for stages where she acts without defined lines of direction, but at some moment she comes the professionalization and planning, that is vital for the success of the business. I see that some companies if hold well in relation to the growth and act sufficiently in professionalized way.
The Natura is a case of success, that was born in 1969, from a laboratory and a small store, and grew vertiginously. Today it counts on prescription of R$ 5.1 billion and grows between 20% and 40% to the year. For acting in a competitive and very innovative market, the company always adds new models of management to adjust itself to the current reality. But and the companies of small average transport? They also have that to be aggressive and to be intent how much to the professionalization, because the more based it is the process, greaters will be the success possibilities.