Social Media

Thursday, 27. November 2014

Study: Reluctant application of financial communication in the Web 2.0 Berlin – January 26, 2010: even though 60 percent of German companies in the Internet use social media applications for your corporate communication, investor relations about this communicated little information. Currently only 13 percent of the DAX companies are active in financial communications. “The investor comes to this conclusion the study social media as new instruments relations – chances, limits and perspectives” a group of Master students of business communication in the professional investor relations at the Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin. UK as bottom in social media, the study examines how many companies apply to social media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and blogs) in Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom use and how high is the intensity of communication in the area of investor relations. While 93 percent of the 30 are active largest Dow Jones Company in the social media field, relations are investor related information only about 10 percent of the Applications communicate. In the UK, use the 30 largest companies of the FTSE generally (61 percent) only one application for their corporate communications and remain without any activity in the investor relations. Kalish. “Missing target groups overlap in the Web 2.0 social media tends although part of corporate communication to become firmer, the Company Act but still very cautious in the investor relations”, master student Henry Schroder (28) summarizes the results.

Here he refers to restrictive legal framework conditions, as well as lack of audience overlap between current users of social media and the financial community. In addition, social media, to achieve the institutional investors and analysts, is currently not. Information about the Bachelor of business communications presentation of the results of the study can be downloaded free of charge on business communication This Web 2.0 platform to serve the exchange between science and industry and the Promote economic communication by students of the HTW Berlin there publish papers and material from the study. Contact Andreas KoSTER Runge str. 22-24, 10179 Berlin Tel. 0177 2833235 fax 030 76403227

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