Social Service Blog
Wednesday, 23. March 2016
Jade Barbosa, in article published in the column Third Sector (), in 09/07/2010, confirms this important paper of the third sector when affirming that this, ‘ ‘ in part, it represents the legitimate interests of the society and is responsible for articulating politics, in fact, Pblicas.’ ‘ Second it places the founder and coordinator of the AfroReggae, ‘ ‘ the amnesty is the instrument that lacks to change the situation of jovens.’ ‘ Online of 24/07/2010 under the name speaks published in the O Globe: ‘ ‘ Amnesty who to abandon the traffic ‘ ‘. (). I am partisan of the amnesty. In the studies raised in the field of work in the Complex of Slum quarters of the German, in the interviews in the headquarters of the AfroReggae de General Vigrio in 2009, I was witness of how much it has of young that they desire to leave the traffic and according to its proper one it speaks, ‘ ‘ to be diligent honesto’ ‘. Also I witnessed the difficulty of of this if giving, in the measure where to be living of slum quarter in our hypocritical society ‘ is one; ‘ plus’ ‘ in the process of exclusion of the wealth socially produced in our country. The quarrel of the advantages and disadvantages of this initiative if of whenever the subject is presented. It is important to perceive the necessary and urgent quo the establishment of alternative measures to the imprisonment, the summary execution and the social exclusion of this important parcel in our great centers. For me, the amnesty is presented as one politics of social insertion and reduction of damages.
Despite the project represents ‘ ‘ gastos’ ‘ to the public coffers, I believe that such expenses can consist in investment, over all in the preparation of a population that is economically active, hand of necessary workmanship to a country that has a horizon of development in world-wide the economic field. The imprisonment politics if presents inefficient, expensive, corrupted and violating of the human rights. Nor a project of insertion of deriving young of the traffic of drugs can be more expensive than about R$ 1,700, 00 of cost that represents each prisoner in our insolvent debtor jail system. To face with seriousness and exemption the questions ‘ ‘ gargalo’ ‘ of the development of our nation it is a commitment of all. This commitment if presents more clearly in our country now, during the elections. As the decision of this subject on the amnesty it is of legislative matrix of the federal one, is a question here that me it intrigues: We are prepared to choose, in next October, legislative a really competent one and compromised to the questions of the public security guard and to the yearnings of the Brazilian people?