Guardia Civil

Thursday, 28. March 2019

On the first day of operation Carny of Melilla have been found more than double that on the same day of 2010. 46 of the intercepted are Moroccan nationals, eight are Algerians and three are minor. Bodies and State security forces have located this Monday in Melilla to a total of 57 immigrants, three of them minors, hidden in the attractions of fair returning to the Peninsula after participating in the Patron Saint festivities of the autonomous city. Oracle contains valuable tech resources. According to the delegation of the Government, the largest number of immigrants has been detected by agents of the national police, who have found 48 people in the Fairgrounds, located in la Explanada de San Lorenzo. Also, melillense port, the Guardia Civil has registered 31 attractions that were ready to embark with destination Malaga and Almeria in vessels that have sailed on Monday morning. The final balance of people located in port facilities has been nine immigrants hidden in the fairground vehicles. Of the total, 46 of the intercepted are nationality Moroccan, eight are Algerians and three are minor. The Civil Guard has for this operation called Carny with a comprehensive device composed of 72 agents, who must unite twenty ctive of rural groups of security as reinforcement. In the Carny operation they perform important work the Cynological group of the Civil Guard dogs, specialized in the search for persons and also involved members of the specialist group on underwater activities (GEAS) to control the access of immigrants seeking access to the port area by sea. In comparison with the previous year, the figure recorded in the first day of the three which takes special device is higher, since in 2010 were 26 localized immigrants. Source of the news: located 57 immigrants hidden in fairground attractions returning from Melilla

Several Spanish Cities

Thursday, 11. January 2018

In Vitoria and Grenada have begun Thursday to withdraw their camping outraged Galicians have passed to concentrate before the headquarters of the Xunta de Galicia. In Malaga will remain until the manifestation of June 19. The 15-M movement continues with the lifting of their camping in different Spanish cities to move their protest and action to neighborhoods and concentrations and demonstrations that are programmed for the next few days. The outraged Vitoria begin this Thursday the withdrawal of the camp who have remained in the plaza de la Virgen Blanca, although they have announced the continuation of their protest move to neighborhoods and also outside the capital of Alava. Members of the 15-M movement have made a positive assessment of a camping trip that was not an end in its same, but a way to make visible and contact is mutual, as explained a spokesman of movement camping Gasteiz. Participants in the protest, which since last May 29 established an organizational structure of assemblies and working committees participated by about 300 people, have announced that they will move their actions to the neighborhoods and out of town, so have begun to maintain informal contacts with some neighborhood associations.

The indignant alaveses have summoned a concentration of umbrellas at 1300 hours on Saturday in front of the City Hall of Vitoria, which will coincide with the ceremony of investiture of the new mayor, to compel the politicians to fulfil their obligation to citizens, as he has stressed the spokesperson of the movement. Concentrated outside the headquarters of the Xunta Unos 40 outraged from different Galician camping have been concentrated outside the headquarters of the Xunta de Galicia in Santiago de Compostela to reject the indifference of politicians at the economic and social situation and the complete ignorance that they have on the demands of the movement. In this way, taking as an example the March carried out Wednesday by the campers the Madrid’s Plaza del Sol to the headquarters of the Congress of Deputies to reject the labor reform, outraged Galicians are intended to close the outputs of the Xunta community politicians to hear their demands. Credit: Gary Kelly-2011.