The Infidel

Tuesday, 18. February 2014

Ldo deceit! one another example of this inversion of values is the habit of the traditional ones to be judged more Christian of what the pentecostais/renewed by prezarem for what they consider a ordeira form of cult, where everything is very organized and more planned. In reason of this, an improper judgment concerning the espiritualidade of the other occurs, where the traditional one judges a pentecostal/renewed by its form of cult ' ' more barulhenta' ' where a renewed pentecostal/judges a traditional one for this not to search dom of languages. But, as &#039 says the Rap of the person from de state of espirito santo pair; ' Conscincia and Verdade' ': ' ' In the last day alone they go to have two: The fidiciary office and the infidel! Which is yours? ' '. this needs to be the reason of mine and your reflection! For what Jesus said: ' ' Nor all he says what me: Gentleman, Gentleman! he will enter in the kingdom of skies, but that one that makes the will of my Father, who is in skies. They will say many me in that day: Gentleman, Gentleman, do not augur we in your name? in your name we do not banish demons? in your name we did not make many wonders? then I will say to them openly: I never knew you; you separate you of me, you who you practise iniqidade.' ' Mateus 7:21 the 23. It agrees to say that if one to believe that dons spirituals cited in the letters to the Churches they are for our days and the other to believe that they had been only for the days of the first Christians, what to believe, usufructs; what not to believe it only leaves to usufruct of that is promise. The only problem of this, is that the Church, leaves of being built, until why, they are for construction of it while Body of Christ.

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