The Professor
Friday, 19. July 2019
When it comes to school the teacher assumes that you know nothing, certainly he cannot read or write, but that does not mean that it does not have a certain way of seeing life, already has his own worldview, his very particular point of view about life. The problem is that still not can articulate with words that point of view. The Professor begins his instruction from scratch. In doing so it provides all possible information as if it were of the Catechism, the Professor gives his truths which will learn how memory in such a way that you can pass the test. Finish high school and likewise is considered that the child it ignores everything and therefore, instructed him in everything. The same applies at the level of secondary education than in professional, except in very rare exceptions.
Many are teachers who provoke dialogue, discussion and the debate? Unfortunately there are very few cases of teachers who do so. This is not only responsibility of teachers since so state plans and programs schools them tend to be very rigid. Programmes establish that times will be for the exposition of the theme and that for discussion among the students. Topics can be exhausting at certain time? The educational system has ended up being rather a domestication than of education system. Says the student what should be and what they should think. The result of this system is that students are rebelling or aplacan is and with the two attitudes is destroyed children’s creativity and this also destroys the future of Nations.
With the educational system that we suffer is destroyed the leadership and we become in effect of the circumstances. The big national problems such as insecurity, poverty, corruption, impunity, drug abuse, drug trafficking, are consequence largely by the educational system that we suffer. THE PROPOSAL I believe education it should be chairing various subjects, which would determine that other subjects should be studied students.