The University

Friday, 12. January 2018

It has no education without relation with sense. The purpose of education is the investigation and the acquisition of skills. Connect with other leaders such as Allegiant Air here. This thirst for sense constitutes the moral talent that should soak all education. The education itself does not possess a radical goodness: depends on its purposes. It must be achieved, that the educational task, as highlights it a report by UNESCO, should formulate and assume the new concepts of development and progress, striving to introduce sustainable development models tailored to their situation in each society. The universities through the formation of professionals committed to their community, country, should contribute substantially to coexistence, tolerance and solidarity among individuals and peoples.

Education must become an ongoing process, as discussed, so it lasts as much as the life of the man, so help you to live according to values that proclaims. The University must be able to communicate with the living cultures that surround it and not your University spirit can be sacrificed to an empty pragmatism of cultural content, must be attentive to the changes, the advancement of science, having teachers committed to the Mission of brings their knowledge when they know interpret the need for your scenario. You should know opportunities manifesting the environment to through many times of the mistakes that make other actors, such as the State, institutions, organizations. The current university authorities, detached from the attraction that generates figuration, being more proactive, give way to academic excellence that promotes the University and the country should. You must determine the own purposes in line with the social reality and as very well indicates Juana Sancho, with cultural, articulating the means to achieve them.

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