The World

Sunday, 2. June 2019

According to consulting Knower (2011, on-line): The concern with the ambient impacts comes growing to each year, companies who are not imported directly with this fact do not have a good perspective of market, a time that the ambient performance intervenes with the attainment of results of the proper one. For this, it is important to take in consideration its enterprise Politics and its ambient objectives and thus to take the due measures to stimulate the growth of the protection of the environment and to develop a Sustainable growth. Being essential to stand out that a company possessing the certificate of ISO 14001, is to guarantee a passport for importation and exportations of more demanding markets. The company searchs this norm stops to improve its internal system. Since the majority of them, searchs each time more resulted. Changing the system of ambient management already it is a great start to act with social responsibility. In such a way, it is very important that the organizations search leaders to act front to these companies so that has a successful management. 4 CONCLUSION Currently to be a company citizen is basic for the growth and recognition of an organization.

Beyond full conscience and respect with the world, the collaborators and the society, the company takes in its luggage much external recognition. Governmental bodies, for example, finish assisting with tax incentives, cession of large cabins for storage of products among others. The government finishes stimulating of some form that company who beyond generating jobs if worries about the next one without if equalizing the filantropia or assistencialismo. Thus it tends to generate much more customers, supplying, more partners or shareholders generating finally thus, more prescription and more profit that is objective of a private organization with lucrative ends. All of the chain attends that it are involved and are the grace of its results.

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