Thermal Insulation
Monday, 16. September 2019
To date, the building materials market are widely represented different insulation materials. Very many of them with a small thickness and relatively low specific gravity have a high rate of thermal resistance. Due to increased demand to reduce power consumption during operation of residential and industrial buildings particularly urgent search of new technologically advanced material (Insulation) to meet the most advanced queries to environmental and economical construction. Thermal insulation is different on the two main types:-reflective insulation that reduces losses due to effectively reflect heat (infrared) radiation. Is not reflective insulation, preventing heat loss due to its low thermal conductivity.
By type of feedstock insulating materials are divided into organic and inorganic. To inorganic insulation materials include: mineral wool, rock wool, foam glass, glass fiber (glass). All these materials are obtained by processing silicate, basalt and other melts. Such insulation is usually non-flammable (the melting temperature reaches 900 C), has a sufficiently low thermal conductivity, resistance to chemical and biological attack. But, unfortunately, has a number of significant shortcomings – for example, excessive water absorption, which forces the use of hydrophobic compounds for its mandatory impregnation. In addition, the use of mineral and basalt heat insulation is not possible without additional vapor barrier to the same time they can give some shrinkage. Foam glass – a unique, almost eternal insulation. In contrast, mineral wool and its derived foam glass does not shrink, absolutely steam and moisture, due to the low linear expansion can easily stand any temperature fluctuations, very strong, not deformed, is not subject to atmospheric impact (chemically resistant, not ‘aging’), it does not infest rodents, insects, molds.