A NRW Integration Plan For Museums
Tuesday, 29. January 2019
Event on February 17, 2009 in Dusseldorf at a public meeting on February 17 in the Dusseldorf NRW Forum culture and economy are experts refer, ways in which museums on migration and on the dramatic changes of the public structures can adapt. The event, which begins at 4: 00, is within the framework of Interkultur.pro instead, the programme for the professionalization of the intercultural arts and cultural management, which is funded by the State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia. The admission is free. For participation, registration is required until February 13. Germany is the European nation with the most immigrants.
Around four million people with a migration background live in North Rhine-Westphalia alone, representing 23 percent of the population. “The study of untapped potential: on the situation of the integration in Germany”, which was presented by the Institute for population and development on 26 January in Berlin, has shown how urgent an interdisciplinary exploration of the phenomenon Migration still is. More information is housed here: Oracle. In addition to the integration into the labour market, also the cultural participation is an important indicator for integration. The question the unused potential”is increasingly also for cultural institutions. In addition to the aging of society, also the rising proportion of people with a migration background changed traditional audience structures of museums, theatres or concert halls.
They must relate to the cultural needs of the new”target groups adjust, make new offers and redefine perhaps also the own self-image. Especially for the museums, it is a great challenge. You save and celebrate what we have – inherited from the past in the sense of the bourgeois ideal of the modern, secularized Western world. How can they adapt well on fellow citizens with Turkish, far eastern, or African roots? At an event which will take place on February 17 in Dusseldorf, three experts are Museum workers, cultural mediators and representatives Cultural administrations discuss whether and how museums can benefit from demographic change. Paul van de Laar, Professor of history at the University of Rotterdam and Deputy Head of the local historical Museum, will ski adorn an Agenda 21 for museums. His provocative thesis: We need a de institutionalization of culture Temple from the 19th century. Asli Sevindim, Director of the city of cultures of the capital of Culture Ruhr. 2010, talks about integration concepts for the culture of the region. The Co-Director of the NRW Forum culture and economy, Werner Lippert, shows how his Museum institution seeks to promote the (inter) cultural competence through an ambitious programme of exhibitions. Through the questioning of everyday phenomena, the exhibition makers want to make aware of identities and cultural differences in visitors with a migration background and the German public. The event will be moderated by the cultural scientist Tina Jerman: she’s head of EXILE culture coordination in food, as well as project leader of Interkultur.pro.