Alternative Method For Back Pain
Thursday, 27. June 2019
Against the spasm, back pain fight affect a majority of the German population. Acute and chronic disorders may be caused by unhealthy behavior of seat, little movement and poor posture. The news portal reported on the alternative healing method of Feldenkrais Cut in neck and groin, and stiffness in the shoulder, many of those affected are desperate because of the pain often spans day and night. Indefinitely, back pain can affect your own health and well-being difficult.
In addition to the classic medicine, Feldenkrais is another method to relieve the body and to ease tension. The special training aimed at the conscious perception of the own locomotor system and finding their own solutions. So minimising unnecessary and painful movements. The therapy was developed by Moshe Feldenkrais since the 1950s, is looking for a way of healing after an accident even. Feldenkrais should always be learned under the guidance of a trained therapist because each back pain is different and must be treated separately.
During the training, the patient learns to distribute loads better and relieve aching bodies. The cause of back problems is about the posture in the workplace, even small changes such as changing the monitor or a different seat height can improve the habitual movement sequences. There are also smaller exercises that can be performed without much effort at work. It is also positive for people with a high pain burden that the exercises are not exhausting, but rather balancing and relaxing effect by the quiet movement sequence. Many Feldenkrais newcomers learn this already after the first exercise hours of pain relief. More information:… GmbH Lisa Neumann