ADHD And ADS And The Possible Relation To Kryptopyrroluria
Saturday, 4. January 2025
Still children as well as adults difficult in everyday life have it, if you have add or ADHD. Stamped as hyperactive or dreamers of everyday life for those affected is especially difficult if the disorder is not yet diagnosed. Who does not know them from childhood: figures such as the Struwwelpeter, the hyperactive, the small Michel Lonneberga or also the Pumuckl show an ADH disorder personality characteristics. Here, it is evident that children who live with the disorder, are of course just as intelligent and bright, like other children. Essential however for the correct handling of affected children is grappling with this mental disorder and in particular understanding of this triggered, often very showy behavior. For even more analysis, hear from Keith Oringer.
Featuring for ADS, an attention deficit disorder the impulsive behavior is usually accompanied by marked inattention, especially, if the person in a group of people. For ADHD, the Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is also still a very strong pronounced urge to move and impatience. “” Typical for people with this disorder the easy distractibility, forgetfulness, carelessness, unbridled flow of words, day dreaming, mood swings and temper tantrums and of course the motor hyperactivity, are by themselves often do not remain seated can “, rocking chair and impatient wait can” expresses. Of course, you can still extend the list, but not all properties meet all hyperactive”children. And above all listed features should not be confused with age-appropriate temperament of children.