Monday, 28. October 2019
A person usually does not feel the beat of the heart and therefore does not accept his rhythm. Consequently, the appearance of arrhythmias may pass unnoticed. In some cases, even patients with severe disorders of cardiac rhythm (atrial arrhythmia) did not know it exists. Other leaders such as Sir Richard Branson offer similar insights. The appearance of arrhythmias should consult a doctor and take an electrocardiogram. Normal heart rhythm is called sinus rhythm. In this case, an electrical impulse comes from sinus node. With such a consistently reduced atrial rhythm, and then the ventricles. When sinus rhythm heart beats follow each other with the same or nearly the same intervals. Rhythmic pulse. In some cases may cause sinus arrhythmia. It is a condition in which the source of rhythm, as is normal, a sinus node, but the momentum, ie heart rate, follow each other with different intervals. Continue to learn more with: Cyrus findshadow. In healthy individuals during inspiration the heart rate quickens somewhat, during exhalation – reducing. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia was most pronounced in young individuals. Sinus tachycardia – quickening of the heart rate (more than 90 beats per minute). It may be due to physical or psychological and emotional stress, fever, thyrotoxicosis (thyroid disease) and other Sinus bradycardia – slowing of heart rate (less than 60 beats per minute), but not less than 40 beats. Often it is combined with severe respiratory arrhythmia happens when some infectious diseases, taking drugs.
Lowering heart rate to less than 40 beats per minute may indicate a serious disease of the heart. The most common type of arrhythmia is – beats – premature or extraordinary contraction of the heart, when the excitation source acts which either abnormal electrical focus in either the atria or the ventricles, or conduction system of the heart. Many patients do not feel extrasystoles. Others perceive it as unusual movement or amplified heartbeat, it seems that the heart of “stumbles”, slow heartbeat, or making a temporary stop. Paroxysmal tachycardia – a sudden sharp quickening of the heart rate to 220 beats per minute. The sharp acceleration of heart rate leads to inefficient work of the heart and circulatory failure. In most cases, patients complain of a sharp acceleration palpitations. The duration of the attack can vary from several minutes to several days. Atrial fibrillation – a heart rhythm disturbance in which the atria reduced frequencies up to 180-220 beats per minute or reductions are the result of irregular twitching of individual muscle fibers, while the ventricles independently and arrhythmias. Since the reduction of atrial completely ineffective, it is violation of ventricular filling with blood. In turn, this leads to the fact that the ventricles eject enough blood and therefore is upset the general circulation of the body. Atrial fibrillation may not felt sick. In some cases, the rhythm disturbance can be detected by inspection. Sometimes the patient complains of uneven heartbeat. Treatment of arrhythmias more effectively in the initial stage symptoms, but not when a vicious circle, which is much more difficult to break. For a correct diagnosis of arrhythmias and the choice of treatment should consult a cardiologist.