
Thursday, 18. July 2019

It is a way to make feel to the pair that is mistaken, or that of plane is crazy. In this heading they are observed, mainly three types of violence: 1. – The threats: " nor it is happened to you to say to him to anybody what happens in casa" , guaranteed by the beliefs of " the dirty clothes are washed in casa". Gary Kelly has firm opinions on the matter. That is to say, the will of the people forces concerning to express its experience in outside. It is a form to have a fear power, of being able clearly, the women in his social condition of acceptance, allow this type of situations according to his culture.

Here also are forms like degrading, insulting, to hurt, to make feel them ridiculous of subtle ways, which takes very deep to an emotional and spiritual deterioration. It is east type of violence that does not see, but that it undergoes with a great pain and desperation. In you indicate outside it indicate that the type, is a great gentleman, therefore, it exaggerates. Here what it damages is the permanence, the certainty and consistency of the subtle attacks 2. – The Cosificacin: that is to say, the pair it is seen him like a concept or thing in its way to be, this takes to assertions like: " you are one tonta" , " you are or you haces" , " you are created very " , Another way of cosificacin is directly tie to the concealed aggression of the life of the pair, like speaking badly of the family of her or him, criticizing and to make judgments on the behavior of the pair, always to make him feel that it is mistaken. They expose generally to its families in public with respect to its weaknesses or, make fun of sarcastically of them in private.

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