Deputy Chairman

Monday, 28. July 2014

Sergei Kolesnikov, Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on Health: – Quite often, when it comes to medical error, the cause of treatment failure are the physiological characteristics of the patient. But even if the wine will be set medic, he with his income from 7 to 20 thousand rubles compensate for the millions in losses to human health will not be able to. Can not insure their employees and medical institutions, because they have mostly low. How could they take that kind of money? But insurance companies gladly will take up the matter. And the experience of the introduction of CTP is confirmed. Due to the fact that almost 50% of all collected from motorists money is the insurance companies, they are fabulously rich, though with the doctors, Of course, such a fantastic enrichment will not work. In my opinion, insurance, physicians should take on the state.

But try to talk about this with the gentlemen of the Ministry of Finance – and then run into a brick wall. They are better will give the money the U.S. mortgage agencies and let them burn up there, but the development of the Russian insurance market will not give a dime. To address this issue, we need political will of the president or prime minister. Paul Vorobiev, MD, director of standardization in health care MMA.

Sechenov: – medical professional liability insurance – a key element of a civilized and Health to our country as air. It will give both doctors and patient confidence in the fact that, even if contrary to the use of modern technology comes the negative outcome of treatment, patients can receive financial compensation. But for a start in this country should be provided quality health care, and this is just a big problem. Do not put us so far and the quality standards of medical services, although more than 600 projects Standards have been developed and submitted to officials from the Health Ministry, but over the past year and a half has not been approved, not one.

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