Europe Markets
Saturday, 17. November 2018
Being an independent, rigorous and impartial organization, PhoCusWright it promotes the intelligent strategic planning and the taking tactical decisions. PhoCusWright offers a qualitative and quantitative investigation on evolution of different the dynamic ones that affects the distribution of the trips, the tourism and the lodging. Our intelligence of markets is the same of the sector as far as the segmentation, sizing, forecasts, tendencies, analysis and behaviors of the consumer in the planning of trips. High managers, salesmen, strategists and professionals of the investigation of markets of all the segments of the chain of value of the sector worldwide, on a daily basis use the investigation of markets of PhoCusWright to obtain competitive advantages. PhoCusWright, with the intention to complement its primary investigations in Norte and Suramrica, Europe and Asia offers several conferences and commercial fairs of high profile in EE.UU and Germany and collaborates in conferences in Canada, China and Singapore. The leaders of the sector and the analysts of the different companies, are able to always give to life to this intelligence by means of debates on the different problems, sharing ideas and defining the money changer reality of the commerce of the trips. The company has his it soothes in the United States, it has on a base in India for its operations in Asia-Pacific and analysts by the five continents.