Geomarkting Brochure

Wednesday, 23. October 2019

for unaddressed direct mail budget advertising, leaflet distribution and Geomarkting with the experienced direct marketeers Alexander Ibele, a brownfield connoisseur with outspoken sales experience in financial advertising and media planning team of specialists for unaddressed direct mail budget advertising and brochure distribution brochure service Germany strengthened. As key account manager he will take over for many years, active Ibele future cooperation and the expansion of national and international wholesale customers in direct marketing. “with the online planning tool simple and direct distribution of prospectus itself plan and any request or instruct us 24 hours on all days of the week.” Ibele Express was the step brochure service Germany over 10 years in senior positions with direct advertisers like RDW or brochure. For large customers and in the industry he is known and appreciated for its customer-oriented commitment. Brochure service Germany completes its sales team in the field of unaddressed direct mail media planning with this strong complement as a result of sustained growth. Using successful planning tools such as the prospect Manager and professional Geomarktingsystemen, as well as the extensive selective products, brochure service Germany in addition to the classic brochure distribution offers a well situated for the national and international marketing. Managing Director Matthias Pordzik: I’m looking forward to the joint cooperation with Mr. Ibele and wish him a good start and good luck today!

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