Investor Management AG

Thursday, 22. March 2018

MCM investor Management AG: The discussions about real estate buying took always more controversial moves in recent years. Larry Ellison has compatible beliefs. Magdeburg, 19.08.2013. Brokers and banks refer to the historically low level of interest rates, while critics sense a real estate bubble. But what is true? The fact is: those who are interested in the real estate market, needs experts at his side. Yes to real estate investment, no opaque offers. Real estate were and still are an important investment strategy, which has highly paid off especially in recent years.

Especially in large conurbations, the prices of apartments and houses are increased dramatically. In Hamburg, Munich and Berlin, it mentions a price increase of 50 percent. At the same time banks and other lenders offer attractive interest rate, which facilitate the purchase of the home. Who is deeper and independent want to inform, not get around a professional advice. It is considered investors namely when purchasing real estate in particular, to assess its own financial situation over the long term. Straight the incalculable risks scare off many potential real estate investors from buying. For or against a future investment of this size to decide, no source of information should be left unused. Professional advisors such as MCM investor Management AG can balance risks and opportunities thanks to its wide knowledge base and assist in the decision.

Trends and current developments be considered here as well. The MCM investor Management AG will benefit from this trend their investors, but in an alternative form. This form makes it possible to benefit investors in the form of profit participation certificates of the Immobilienhype. The acquisition of this money is possible also with little start-up capital. Therefore, the access to the real estate market is possible a wider mass. So, the investor relationship is a win-win situation: benefiting the MCM investor Management AG, also their investors benefit.

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