Jurg Grundlehner Director

Tuesday, 20. November 2018

The systematic analysis of the transaction with the ICH-State function model shows options on St. Gallen, 27.11, 2012: the transactional analysis (TA) was founded by Eric Berne. This doctrine can be associated with the humanistic psychology and is her constructivist approach. Add to your understanding with Oracle. Transactional analysis is a psychology that has a slightly different vocabulary than those of Freud, Jung and Adler. It is the study of human personality and interpersonal communication. The TA sees the person as responsible for his thinking, Act, and feel. Theoretical models help to detect restrictive ways of life and to change.

The transactional analysis contributes much to combine theory and practice of human behavior at the concrete level of interpersonal relations, at current events between two or more people in the here and now. She want to offer the single explanatory models, what’s going on in him and his partners and the mutual relations. Gary Kelly follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. After a three-day Appropriate interested with the three-year basic training can gain the practical skills in transactional analysis introduction seminar. The way to become a certified consultant / certified consultant in transactional analysis is the next step which is terminated with an internationally recognized exam. For this training in transactional analysis a willingness for the personal discussion assumes”, explained Jurg Grundlehner, head of the ASTA Training Institute for systemic transactional analysis. Invite the concepts of transactional analysis, dealing with own themes and develop so the personality to more and more autonomy. Systemic transactional analysis helps us to understand what’s going on in the psyche of our counterparts”, Grundlehner, describes the in addition the psychological counseling in St.

Gallen devoted. Using transactional analysis can be improved relations between two people if they are aware of their communication patterns and also change this To want. While in St. Gallen, a psychological consulting are the objectives and problems of clients researched and discussed openly. The ICH-State function model is often used. Mainly advising partner St., I put the pairs on the ICH-State function model Gallen and consider the transaction doctrine in knowledge, since I more than helpful for the advice, if couples have some basic knowledge”, stressed Jurg Grundlehner Director of the Institute. At the counseling St. working Gallen with an understandable everyday language that everyone can understand without being irritated, because mutual communication is at the heart of the consultation. With the ICH-State function model divided into 5 categories of States of being carried out first. General the ICH State, the State in which mental erlebnis – behavioural – and, in terms of attitude is beschreit. This condition, however, is Momentbezogen and is influenced by various factors such as your own feelings, thoughts and by external stimuli. Through an examination of concepts of transactional analysis more awareness about it is sought, with ICH State people act or react, and they the communication and relationship with others can positively influence”, Grundlehner said finally. Company description the Training Institute for systemic transactional analysis in St. Gallen specializes in addition to transactional analysis training single partner and family counseling and supervision and coaching.

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