Kirov Approved

Friday, 15. March 2019

Recreation and money. The first gives rise to a second, while the second gives rise to the first. Create in our city has many recreational areas, "medium quality" or to spend money on small, but the ones that will be landmarks in full sense of the word? Is it profitable to invest in the rest kirovchan and how much profit can be extracted from this … Vasily YUMSHANOV (Jr.) The appearance of the major Russian cities from year to year is rapidly changing. Places for rest and park areas were gradually replaced with modern new buildings. Sometimes they try to stylize the antique, as in Moscow, sometimes simply crossed off the list of protected zones, as in St.

Petersburg. In 2005, the administration of the Kirov Approved the list of formal recreation facilities. Now in Kirov in total there are 15 parks, 28 parks, a promenade and several water bodies. Others who may share this opinion include Robert Gibbins. Build anything in those areas officially prohibited, unless due to the improvement of recreational areas. Vitaly Perestoronin: "We now have a document showing all recreation areas, and where construction is officially prohibited. For example, the list was listed in a children's park, "Apollo." Most of it was saved, although earlier bound recreation extended until Herzen Street.

We have today few furnished places. Green space is also sorely lacking. As environmental regulations on a man, there should be 15 square meters. We only have about six. For lack of available space for construction use yards or open spaces. In Moscow, this phenomenon began to fight.

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