Pedagogical Projects

Friday, 6. December 2013

Of the fifteen interviewed, five had affirmed that they do not participate in the elaboration of the rules, being that the remain affirmed to participate for keeping the uniformizados children, to fulfill to the schedule of entrance and exit and for giving to opinions and/or suggestions in the referring meetings to the collegiate pertaining to school. In the interview with the pupils, with respect to the envolvement of them in the construction of the Project Pedagogical Politician and if they know the same, we perceive that they are not made familiar to the project of the school, beyond not understanding its purpose, on the other hand, had affirmed to participate in the estudantis bosoms and events carried through in the school as the commemorative dates, for example. It is important to point out that to act in set it demands of all the commitment of to be conditional to a permanent desire of renewal and overcoming of new challenges. Being thus, it is crucial that the segments of the school review its attributions and that they do not lose them of sight, therefore, if thus to proceed will not run the risk of if accomodating in the omission, contributing, of this form, to keep the shameful picture in which if finds the education Brazilian. The final considerations In elapsing of the research, some conclusions had been gotten, verify that it does not have a participation accomplishes of the pertaining to school community in the elaboration of the Project Pedagogical Politician, considering the proper conception of what it is participation, a democratic process where if it suggests that the democratic management must necessarily imply the participation of the pertaining to school community in the elaboration and execution of the Pedagogical Project Politician of the school. With the analysis of the collected results, we observe that the Project Pedagogical Politician still meets in process of construction, moreover, the taking of decisions if of the one of collective form, is not centered in the managers and contradictory pedagogical coordinator becoming, between what he is ideal and what in fact happens.

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