Voyage Of Discovery In Berlin – Tourist Attractions In Berlin

Thursday, 11. July 2019

Come to Berlin and enjoy this great city of Berlin has many attractions which are visited every day by locals as well as tourists. Berlin offers fascinating places and buildings, in which man you should have seen. Berlin has not only more but a centre and the attractions are widely distributed. In the western part, between the Ku’damm and the airport Tegel is Charlottenburg Palace, the baroque castle with English gardens, which built Friedrich I. for his wife Sophie Charlotte has let. The Egyptian Museum and Papyrus collection located in the famous Museum Island in Berlin Mitte. Other cultural gems are in the Dahlem museum complex or concentrated in the Cultural Forum. The Dahlem complex is located in a quiet neighborhood near Southwest of the University of Berlin, and has art museums with works of old masters and ethnographic museums with artifacts from all over the world.

The Cultural Forum is located in the District of Tiergarten Park includes the new National Gallery by Mies van der Rohe, the Museum of decorative arts, Kupferstichkabinett, new State Library and the Philharmonic. The House of world cultures, which is located in the former Congress Hall contemporary art exhibits from around the world, and is an architecturally interesting building. The real historical centre of the city is located in the eastern half. Probably most easily recognizable by the Brandenburg Gate, the main meeting place for celebrations after the fall of the wall in 1989. On its East side is the Pariser Platz. The most notable buildings are found, such as the State Library, Humboldt-Universitat, new guard, Zeughaus (German Historical Museum), and dieStaatsoper at the eastern end. The Berliner Dom, which Krypta contains the remains of the German Emperor located right at the Castle bridge. The Cathedral is located on an island, better known as Museum Island.

The Museum Island is the home of the famous Pergamon Museum, which contains the Pergamon altar, the gate of Miletus, and the Bode-Museum, Altes Museum, Alte Nationalgalerie and the new Museum. These Group is the reason why Berlin is sometimes called “Athens on the spree” of neo-classical buildings. The Alexanderplatz square, known as Alex, is one of the most vibrant places of Berlin. This place is also the 365m Berlin TV Tower – the tallest building in Berlin, which can be used for an excellent view over the city. They are still looking for a suitable accommodation near some tourist attractions, try it once with a Berlin apartment.

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