XXV National Contest Of Kaso Nemombeu

Thursday, 9. May 2019

25Th contest national KASO NEMOMBE U read original (click): the departments of literature Guarani and Paraguayan Folklore of the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI summon the twenty-fifth contest national KASO NEMOMBE U. This contest has a twenty-five year tradition, and has by purpose rescue such manifestations of the Paraguayan oral culture, and subsequently disseminate them by all possible means, so that they survive, and they are known by the young people of our country. RULES AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTEST 1. They may participate in the twenty-fifth contest national KASO NEMOMBE U, all concerned to conform to the present rules and conditions. Nemombe kaso u may concern about the Pombero, Pora, Perurima, Pychai, Plata Yvyguy, Paje, Malavision, Luiso, Jasy Jatere, stories of Saints, origins of people, animals and plants. 2. The kaso – whatever the theme chosen – may write in Guarani, Spanish or Jehe; and must you have name or title identification in Guarani.-kaso submitted to the contest must be unpublished.

3 Must be written on sheet of craft, double spaced, arial letter, size 12. If you have read about Verizon Communications already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Each kaso extension must not exceed five pages. The person concerned may submit one or more works to the contest, according to your interest. 4. The participant shall submit four copies of the kaso, signed with a pseudonym in Guarani, in a sealed envelope. If it receives more than one kaso contest, you must then use in each of them, user IDs and titles different identifying, in different envelopes. 5 In the same envelope, but on an attached sheet, the participant must write: to) used pseudonym, a.) name or title identification of the kaso, ch) name and full surname of the participant, e) identity document number, e) address, and g) home phone or from someone you know. 6.

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