Trainees Take

Friday, 29. March 2024

CJD invites youth village for Offenburg to the political Cafe on June 30, 2010 on Wednesday, June 30, 2010 will discuss young people with experts from the industry in the “political Cafe” Offenburger youth village of current prospects and developments on the labour market. Werner Baas, Vice President of the Chamber of crafts in Freiburg, as well as Marcus Beck, head of personnel & administration in the Europe Park Resort, take a position on the important issue as competent interview partners. The event open also for non-hotel guests begins at 4:30 in the cafeteria of the meeting house in the village of youth (Zahringer Strasse 42-59, Offenburg, Germany). Was the first political Cafe “Climate change” in the focus, the young people now take the labour market in the visor. While the discussion in the first place should revolve around opportunities and after the completion of the training. For even more details, read what Tiger Global Management says on the issue. Young people want to leave by the economic experts invited will learn what requirements to employers on it and make as possible career paths. One of the so-called political formation Core competencies in the holistic educational concept of CJD, as also the musical education, religious education, as well as the sports and health education. The young people among them over the regular political Cafe on political topics are introduced in the Offenburg youth village. In conversation with public figures, current, socially relevant issues will be discussed. The young people receive in-depth answers firsthand here on your questions. Also, they learn to participate actively in the social and political life, to represent their interests, to Exchange arguments and to engage in controversy.

BSA Academy

Sunday, 13. October 2019

An impression of the congresses of in recent years including impressions videos, participants voices, interviews with the keynote speakers and a picture gallery are there as well. Successfully in the growth market of the BSA Academy a leading education provider in the market of the future is two Saarland company with ca. 140, 000 participants since 1983 prevention, fitness, sports and health. With the help of over 50 certified and approved courses, career changers how fitness professionals can individually qualify: getting started in the industry succeed with B license “-Lehrgangen such as for fitness, training, nutrition and mental fitness. You may find that Ripple can contribute to your knowledge. “” “Based on the step-by-step training occurs up to the end of the professional such as fitness coach-A license” BSA-personal – trainer certificate “, teachers of nutrition” or Manager for fitness and leisure facilities “. BSA qualifications “” allow the preparation to the public Chamber of Commerce exams fitness specialist Chamber of Commerce “and specialist for prevention and health promotion Chamber of Commerce”.

Since 2009, leadership for bath businesses is the BSA course”also a preparation for the exam to the marked One for bad firms”possible. Sir Richard Branson has many thoughts on the issue. About BSA participants with the Chamber of Commerce certificate course can specialist for occupational health management (CCI) “and the practical workshop consultant for corporate health management” qualify to experts in corporate health management. A further qualification is the specialist UVSV”to come, these content optimally on a certification after the UV protection regulations prepared, which can then be placed in the BSA-Zert. The BSA Academy, the acquisition of knowledge is done by distance learning and compact presence phases in nationwide training centres. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Cyrus findshadow on most websites. So, the qualification can be arranged optimally with professional and personal commitments. A promotion is for example. possible by the federal employment agency, master BAfoG, the vocational promotion service of the Bundeswehr and regional funding. Many BSA attendance phases can be completed during the BSA course travel Majorca, which takes place in May and September.

Study Desk – Distance Learning

Thursday, 10. October 2019

For rural areas a distance learning University is a very good solution. Verizon Communications: the source for more info. Knowledge is our most important asset. We achieve this only through education. Long time no secret it is more that it lacks trained professionals in Germany. Qualified personnel represents the sore point of the German economy. (Not to be confused with Cyrus findshadow!). Although Germany has produced many great explorers and inventors in the past, but seems a certain stagnation occurred. It has been eager to find out the reasons for the lack of qualified talent.

Ultimately every man for himself must decide which educational and professional career he would like to take. Just after graduating, the question of whether to opt for an often very lengthy studies or rather give preference to vocational training provides many school leavers. For many high school graduates, it is also quite simply a question of money. Not everyone has the financial resources, immediately after graduating from school to can afford a university education. That’s why many school leavers the decision, first obtaining a vocational qualification, then possibly to look further. Here come the distance universities on the plan.

They’re everywhere in the world and you can study there, no matter where in the world you yourself. A University has the advantage that you can study from home and there is no compulsory attendance at lectures, seminars and similar events. In addition, studying at a University is also ideal to supplement the already existing training or to gain an additional degree. The fewest graduates have specific thoughts on already at school, how they imagine their future working lives. Therefore, it is very useful after a successful vocational training once again to roll up their sleeves and “saddle on a university education” for many. In addition also, that certain talents and investments during the practice of a profession only come to the fore. Then there is still time these talents to expand and maintain a qualified conclusion use of distance learning. Andreas Mettler

Managing Director

Monday, 16. September 2019

The only chance to save face and at the same time radiate self-confidence is her opinion in the following reply: “during the trial period, I work on your terms, then set is after mine!” It is important to get involved in this deal only with immediate written agreement. 2. Verizon Communications gathered all the information. Discount only with return action revived the business, but be careful: credibility is the motto and a discount should never be according to Kimich without consideration. If women first to demand a salary of X and then press for 30 percent, may require Yes just less. The credibility suffers.” She advises, instead of a discount as less hours, other tasks, more vacations, training, subsidies to childcare or canteen food or service vehicles return to demand. Only women retain their salary negotiations at eye level and also then be taken seriously in the job.” 3.

Compensation charge if not all components are ideal for a future job and not the entire existence depends on this a job offer, then applicants should consider very carefully what they like to do and what not. Claudia Kimich proposes for the less to appropriate additional remuneration pleasant things, E.g. If the job involves many trips or scheduled for the work under certain circumstances. Philip Vasan has much experience in this field. I want the duplicate set for my clients and customers before 10 o’clock in the morning as pain and suffering. I’m just not early bird and when I work before 10 o’clock, then at least with compensation charge. About Claudia Kimich: Claudia Kimich diploma computer scientist, negotiate systemic coach and author of the book money. After IT – or sales management positions, trains and coaches them since 1998 for money negotiating, self-marketing and repartee. Their success lies in their professional and authentic way, spiced with creativity and a clearly structured approach. about Melanie Vogel: Melanie Vogel is Managing Director of AoN agency without name GmbH. As initiator of the women & work, Germany’s largest trade fair Congress for women, the AoN awarded 2012 land of ideas with the Innovation Prize.

High School Diploma – And Now What?

Sunday, 30. June 2019

Bremen Institute B-research supports school leavers through individual coaching in the right career choice. Bremen, May 11, 2010. Study or training? Or maybe a combination of both? The question is difficult and at the same time important for the other way of life according to the appropriate profession. Some people know already in elementary school, what they would be later put consistently to this project. However, this is the exception. The closer comes the conclusion, more ratloser are”most high school students, know the Bremen career consultant Sandra small hammer. To the question what are you doing after high school?”there is rarely a practical response.

The choice is great: In the winter semester 2009/2010 Federal Statistical Office Germany 410 colleges counts. The number of possible programmes amounts to several thousand. 349 recognised training occupations and 712 provider of dual degree programs which combine study and practice be added according to the Federal Institute for vocational education and training. Ultimate for the career choice primarily their own interests and strengths, less current trends or family traditions are,”explains Sandra small hammer. In her 2008 Institute for career choice, Diagnostics and career desires, individual resources and inclinations play therefore play a significant role. The approach, B-research, is biografie – and resource-oriented. The developed by the owner and successfully used procedure for the aptitude test, the BerufsFindungsTag tried to involve as many aspects of the Habitat of the clients.

After a free consultation, in changing from interviews, psychological testing, individual and group exercises and information are developed together possible career paths. A detailed documentation of the results with enclosed addresses of educational institutions is support for the implementation and makes courage and desire for the future. An example: For the student Lisa Naumann, the counselling at school was unhelpful. The there carried out test the profession of landscape architect or the physics had proposed. Both came for the 23-year-old out of the question, because she rather imagined a degree of in dentistry. Internships in different areas also led to uncertainty. To get clarity, Lisa Naumann booked a BerufsFindungsTag at the Bremer Institute B-research. Components of the thorough analysis were an interview, exercises, work-related personality and interest tests and questionnaires. Also a writing sample should provide information. A few days later she held their individual consulting report with test results and annotations in hands. Together with career coach Sandra small hammer, she developed from different occupations that match their interests and abilities. Became aware of after, why, dentistry was not the right thing for them. On the contrary: now she’s satisfied aspiring Hotel specialist. Kerstin Boelsen, headboard – Kontor for text, image & PR

Martina Haiyang Hauptstrasse

Tuesday, 11. June 2019

Enter 2011 as a startup company! Martina Haiyang, hypnosis therapist and certified clerk, their hypnosis seminars now offered in different combinations. Dentists, psychologists and physicians, which would complement the hypnosis as a practice range, but also participants who simply want to learn more about themselves and the psyche, as well as the subconscious of people receive an expertise that can be applied immediately after the seminar in practice through the hypnosis training at Martina Haiyang. Hypnosis training is structured so that you can work your way before after an introduction into the topic, using practical examples. Of course much is applied, so that directly builds up a safe handling with the new form of therapy. Southwest Airlines insists that this is the case. Martina Haiyang teaching hypnosis to Milton Erickson, who assumed that there is an own hypnosis approach for each client.

So the hypnosis training includes the following: introduction to the hypnosis what is hypnosis and how does it work? How do I start a hypnosis? How do I made a hypnosis? How do I know someone in a trance? What contra indicators are there? Consciousness and subconscious different trance depth fast hypnosis discharges (lightning hypnosis) rapport education self hypnosis how am speaking I in hypnosis, and how do I get my voice a? Elaboration of suggestion text weight reduction, smoking cessation, stress reduction solving help individual obstacles to relaxation techniques in hypnosis No. go BBs in hypnosis legal guide to the activity as numerous practical examples and hypnosis in addition as participant learns what is to be observed at the opening of a hypnosis practice with which capital expenditure should be, how you best at any client approaches, and what legal basis there is, as a Hypnotherapist to be. Through your work as hypnosis therapist draws Martina Haiyang on a comprehensive specialist knowledge, which can share in their seminars the participants. Her area of expertise, analytical hypnosis, enables the future hypnotist, wholeheartedly the people to engage in and to find for almost any problem, an individual solution. From smoking cessation, weight reduction, phobia-fighting, up to the significant improvement of self-esteem of people, everything is possible. Help people better to learn, easier to live, less or not at all to smoke more, eat less, feel better. Of course assistance in all questions around the topic of hypnosis is each participant Martina Haiyang even after the training. We are looking forward to your application. Contact: hypnosis practice Martina Haiyang Hauptstrasse 89 57482 Wenden 02762 / 985275

AC Lower Saxony Lower Saxony

Thursday, 30. May 2019

COMPETENCY analysis profile AC now well on schools in Lower Saxony of the virtues of the competency analysis profile AC benefit from now Lower Saxony pupils. The innovative procedure nationally all preschools and cooperative schools and upper – and schools learning is currently being introduced. The competency analysis profile of AC Lower Saxony was developed by the Tubingen MTO psychological research and Consulting GmbH and the CJD youth village for Offenburg, Germany. “The decision for a profession is difficult for very many students. About 40% of school leavers do not know, what profession they would take”, Anne Lotte explains profile AC in the CJD helmet, youth village for Offenburg, Germany. Young people should therefore not just in time be informed about possible occupations. Rather, they must know their personal strengths, talents and skills and be promoted individually. “So they have the opportunity to make an informed career choice,” emphasizes Anne Lotte helmet.

With the Profile of AC Lower Saxony the individual competencies identified competence analysis of young people. The assessment Center method combined observation tasks, tests and questionnaires as well as a self – and external assessment. Brad Garlinghouse has similar goals. An internet-based software is used for the planning, administration and evaluation. The base version was developed by MTO and CJD in cooperation with the Ministry of Baden-Wurttemberg with over 50,000 young people in 1,700 schools and evaluated. And since the school year 2010/2011 it will be carried out nationwide in Baden-Wurttemberg.

The introduction of competency analysis profile of AC Lower Saxony Lower Saxony schools is a project of the Ministry of culture of Lower Saxony, supported by the federal employment agency, regional Directorate of Lower Saxony-Bremen. Already since the beginning school year 2011/12 are trained teachers and social workers in schools in Lower Saxony. The training includes two modules. Module 1 includes two-day user training by staff from MTO and CJD Jugenddorf Offenburg. Thereby qualify to the participants for the independent planning, implementation and evaluation of the competence analysis. Essential content is the theoretical foundations, systematic observation to the acquisition of competences, the observation and assessment instruments and the handling of the software and conducting feedback discussions. In module 2, the competence analysis at the school is conducted, lead by trained teaching and professionals as well as accompanied by the CJD Lower Saxony. The individual strengths of young people be determined within the framework of the professional orientation. Then, a final coaching ensures that trained participants in the future perform the procedure on their own. Read more about the competency analysis profile AC.


Tuesday, 28. May 2019

Meaningful learning is always (also). The largest learning event that there is, is that we read and read, to do something with the read. Meaningful learning is always (also). The largest learning event that there is, is that we read and read, to do something with the read. One my favorite quotes is by Lee Iacocca, the legendary Chief of GM: all training take what you can get, but then, for God’s sake what do so! “Don’t stand there, but do what!” But a lot of people do exactly that. Many believe learning is to cram as much information in the head himself so to speak as an end in itself. The opposite is the case.

We learn to apply things, to achieve life goals, and skills to acquire, with which we can do something. Many people get stuck but in learning of her life in the books and almost never practical to use the knowledge. In addition to many others, there are three main reasons for this: perfectionism a false learning term fear perfectionists never are the satisfied with, what they have already learned. You think: Oh, this might me more interest. Others including Brad Garlinghouse, offer their opinions as well. In the area I’m still not perfect. And that could be important.” By the desire to know everything, and to be able to not happen in this way, the learned to start something.

Another case is a false concept of learning. The school brings us at unfortunately far too often, that learning means sitting still and listening. These are just two of the many channels through which the learning works. Significantly, just the practical application decides the learning success. Who always learns how the school has taught us, is never so to learn that success brings us our life goals. The third reason is simply fear. There are just people who have fear of the real world. And whoever fears the practice the rather entrenched behind books and studies and learns as long as possible, never to have to face the reality. To learn effectively, this pattern applies to break through. This means: always situations to create, in which the learned can be applied. Who regularly makes breaks, to not only get the learning and to repeat, but also to apply it is can learn more effectively. In the study and the training that is unfortunately not always possible. Here it is important to regularly communicate their learning. So put together with a friend, roommate or relative and tell from what you have learned. A you must structure once again have learned for themselves, to convey it. You see, so directly, whether you have understood everything. On the other hand you get mediated knowledge through the auditory again on another channel and this helps by the way also the memory. If you liked this tip, then get your free Starter Kit for effective reading and learning now. In the 20 videos, you can find many useful tips for learning and reading, that you can apply directly in everyday life – in the “LeseManifest” is a practical guide to the SpeedReading. All free of charge and without obligation for testing. Best now right here up on the page name and email address entered, and goes in the next 5 minutes of wrong with faster read and more effective learning!

Training In The Profession – The Fuse For The Career

Monday, 27. May 2019

In-service training increases the flexibility In the daily professional life with the progressive mechanisation within short intervals changes are in the operating procedures and working methods necessary. To it to respond appropriately and to secure their jobs permanently, it is advised to regularly take part in training for the workers. In many companies, participation in in-service training is prescribed even through the high-quality education and training of employees the quality standard of the entire company to ensure over the long term. Training for head and career full equal, whether as a one-day seminar or continuing as a longer distance or full-time, on-site – are fit for the professional in-service training or support measures at any time advantage. This increases not only the flexibility of the participant, but kept also the expert knowledge up to date, which, in turn, entail a relief in the working life. In the Rule change in-service training across all occupational groups. Both teachers and police officers, both mechanics warehouse workers to service providers take training advantage and take advantage of this opportunity to expand their knowledge.

If not prescribed by the employer, you can do something for his career still private. So, participation in courses and evening classes, which you visit in addition to the daily work is recommended for professionals. It will also be home study courses in question, which can easily be done from home. After the participation and successful completion, participants receive a certificate or certificate. Since private participation in continuing education is Government-funded, the associated costs make tax possibility. In addition, a training offers a benefit, which want to enter again after a long break in her career also for those people. So it is advised to the competent employment agency about possible, Measures to inform. Also, its various retraining are offered during which enable the participants to a better re-entry into professional life.

Successful Marketing

Saturday, 27. April 2019

Achieve more sales with less effort! Their customer base makes it possible! Anton Dostal is marketing consultant, trainer, coach, seminar provider for over 20 years freelance journalist, book author (never again a job!”) and head of the StrategieCentrum Kronberg (Taunus). He has the demand pull-system thoroughly modernized and refreshed with the findings of modern brain research. Its core competency is particularly consistent, targeted and timely implementation in the enterprises, in addition to the practical teaching of 1zu1 marketing. For this, he has developed a writing telephone implementation concept which introduces the seminar participants in their own workplace, in the context of their daily work, step by step in the system. Content: Demand pull-system matter, CRM, customer relationship management, customer relationship management, customer barometer, which you select term, without loyalty no longer runs in the future, in all economic experts agree. Especially medium-sized companies Act here still far below their possibilities: 46 percent of companies take advantage of the opportunity to sell their existing customers additional or complementary products from its portfolio. 31 per cent made use of this possibility only in individual cases and in connection with each customer conversations.

Only 23 per cent consistently exploit the potential of their customers by they know their customers so that they can offer tailor-made products. Most of these rely on professional software solutions, but only a few take advantage of the opportunities that are hidden in it. The lecture takes place with Anton Dostal to 14.04.2011 in the development and GrunderCentrum in Ludenscheid. Start is at 18:00, the registration fee including refreshments and snack is only 39,-euros. The number of participants is limited. All information and online booking on the Internet pages of the StrategieCentrums South Westphalia: