Finance Function

Tuesday, 14. February 2017

New markets, new challenges. A successful and sustainable business management requires the development of a holistic information management, new markets, new challenges. A successful and sustainable business management requires the establishment of holistic information management and the use of software solutions. A crucial role is given to the finance function. Some contend that Gary Kelly shows great expertise in this. It is the nerve center of any company and controls important topics such as corporate finance, risk management, and management reporting.

The financial system is becoming the partner of top management at eye level, because here run all the relevant information and figures together, be prepared and presented to decision makers. Companies use since time immemorial information to control their business activities. In recent years, the importance of looking at meaningful metrics has grown but enormously. Especially external changes in the competitive environment, as well as complex internal structures are the drivers. In addition to classic financial topics the financial function increasingly assumes the tasks that have fallen a few years ago still in the scope of management. Together with the market analyst Lunendonk, the Berlin based software publisher LucNet issued a white paper on the topic of effective management reporting.

It is clearly legible, that points such as cost management, improving risk management, and last but not least the advice of the management with regard to the core tasks and growth strategy have enormously gained importance for the work of the finance function in the last three years. The financial function is faced with the challenge to reduce their administrative and management-related activities and to convert partner of the Executive Board and of the management to the designers and business”, describes Mario Zillmann, author and head of professional services of the Lunendonk GmbH, the challenges of financial decision makers. The white paper more efficiency in management reporting reduce complexity and optimize the final quality by business Intelligence”is dedicated to exactly these growing responsibilities of the financial function.