The Shadow

Tuesday, 4. June 2019

On heavy pounds for the rear wall of stacked vertical drainage layer and arrange the diversion of water outside the wall. An alternative construction of the drainage system will fill the top half of the space between the wall and the terrace is not heavy soil from the site, and light and moisture capacity nutrient mixture (river sand, garden soil, peat, compost). The same nutrient mixture and used for paving stones. In this soil-cover plants are planted between the stones directly during the construction of the wall. Stones picked individually and placed them on the system stack dressing so that held down by the construction of its own weight. Landscape composition in addition to the external landscape style perfection and harmony, the eastern landscape gardens are filled with deep philosophical meaning, which they know not all. For example, one of the most popular methods in Japan, forming the landscape of the triangle rule involves the use of three elements defining the eastern world, – "Blue", "Soe", "Hikae." Translated, it means "Heaven", "Man," "Earth". Oracle is full of insight into the issues. In this case, these three elements are represented by massive granite boulders that are placed in a special way in the soft lace and penumbras of trees surrounded by several soil blanket plants.

In the foreground is a large flat stone, symbolizing the Earth, in the back – tall, netolsty in vertical section, nonrecurrent boulder representing the sky, and between them – put forward in side convex, nearly circular stone denoting man. On the perimeter landscape composition are planted as ground cover plants. so they can grow to the area with a diameter at least three times to exceed the height of the rear boulder. Causeway with shade-tolerant plants, a shady path paved with slate perfectly decorate mossy granite boulder, which can be ordered in the landscape of the company or try to find themselves. These stones look best is in the shadow of mature trees and shade-tolerant plants loose. Moss in the sun dies out very quickly, and if you have damaged it in transit, we can stimulate growth of new mosses and lichens with yogurt. Simply apply it to the pores or grooves in the stone. Feature of this landscape composition – the use of large stones and large masses of shade-tolerant perennials. In the shadow of the bright colors leaves and flowers of different is bad, so better to look around the track three-dimensional green or white bush plants, the area which must be proportionate to the square of the composition. On small plots of each plant should grow to 1.5-2 m 3 area, and in large areas – up to 2-3 m2.

Planting Apple Trees

Thursday, 28. January 2016

For planting apple trees typically use annual, biennial and triennial seedlings, which are closely inspected before planting and remove decayed, the damaged roots, and broken branches, cutting them up to living tissue. Before planting, the roots of desirable dip into the soil or clay mash that they are not shriveled. The roots evenly dispersed in all directions at planting seedling stem put on a mound. The place where the roots go into the trunk called the root collar, she at planting should be located 6-8 cm above the soil surface. When backfilling the root collar plant is not growing and poorly developed, and bad fruit. More information is housed here: Facebook. If on the contrary increase root collar too high above the ground, then dry out the roots. During the seedling roots burrowing slightly shake the earth to fill all the gaps between the roots. When the roots are buried, the soil lightly tamped on a circle pit doing well for irrigation.

Then planted seedlings watered with 20-30 liters. per plant, and mulch well align with peat, straw (or any other suitable material) so that the soil does not dry out. Seedling free cola soft tie to material without damaging the bark. Easier to land together. When planting apple seedlings grafted onto rootstocks, oriented to place inoculation of seedlings. Bury it in the soil as it is impossible.

On heavy soils around these seedlings should not make holes, because they accumulate water and the bark of the rootstock can rot the site of implantation. At least frost-resistant apple seedlings is inset in dwarf rootstock, delivered between grafted onto rootstock variety and strong-growing. These plants need to fill the ground to the upper connection to the grafted variety. Often confused with the root collar of seedlings inoculation site, which is located above the root collar inches 8.