
Sunday, 7. September 2014

Natural green stabilizes state, activates the mind, gives confidence. Blue and blue, though calm, but not desirable for children with a tendency to depression. Reclusive, restless children fits yellow. It facilitates communication and increases speed of visual perception. That's purple and orange in large quantities can cause fatigue and even dizziness. Do not get involved in the black and white – the colors of deadness and discouragement. In general, failure color combination can cause discomfort, fatigue or even protest.

What colors dominate the room of your child? C: Tan tone, light green, brown tones. Blue, blue. A: In the classic test, Luscher (Diagnosis of personality on preferred color), it is believed that brown is responsible for the comfort of a homely atmosphere. But, really, the colors should be soft and at the same time must attend a contrast. In my children in the room brownish-yellow scale, for example … AS: Bright spots are mandatory! For example, I do not accept the monotonous light furniture.

No emphasis is boring and not positive. Let there will be red, purple, burgundy … I still love to change the curtains – a general 'picture' corrects. A: It would be nice not to forget the little lamps. Because in 4-5 years, there are fears the baby, he needs a little light. As in the children's furniture reflects the attitude of the child in the family? And furniture can bring? A: Children, of course, shows how the family belong to the child. For example, immediately clear when the child is in the center, when he – the most important. Or a child – the same person, just a little, he has his own room, has its own rules, he can close his door and say, 'I want to be alone' and it will be ok and received with respect parents. It is his intimate space, his world. If the parents support it, man develops harmoniously. And realizes that he is not happy to have so many. Or that when he grows up, will be able to afford whatever he wants. If he is free to express their desires now. It would be easy to make decisions based of taste and education. From the cradle to the bench with a Jacuzzi with some leather vibrokreslom. Of education depends on how the child will grow to exacting degree of comfort. IM: I'd like to quote Sukhomlinsky: 'Education – this is a repetition of the great art in person. " What is a parent, it is probably so, and repeats itself in their children. For example, if male-female love luxury, they and the child will be in it kupat.Kto Some believe the world's money evil, so they will keep the kids' in a black body. " In vsehraznye concept. Sasha's believes that the pampered child well, I, by contrast, do not think so. C: must indulge, but in moderation. What is important is the golden mean.