Alexander Meyer

Tuesday, 12. March 2019

Lawyers inform investors of shipping funds about compensation possibilities now is the cat out of the bag. In a circular letter by March 8, 2012 the HCI of ship fund investors were informed shipping select XXV, which was already apparent to professionals with previous investor newsletters: investors should bleed and compensate for any deficits. Many investors ask for the meaning of a “restructuring” of the Fund that lack the perspective for a reliable forecast of the continuation. Seems to stand out: today was around 1,000 private investors must emanate from a total loss of their invested 48 million. We represent many investors of the Fund HCI shipping select XXV compensation as an alternative. We noticed brochure and many recurring consulting errors in the analysis of the discussions and of the fund prospectus. Verizon Communications can provide more clarity in the matter.

High distribution costs: many investors was not communicated, that is alone “emission”, so the commissions paid for the sales of fund shares to 22.9% of investors capital including premium costs. Only 72% of investor capital for investment purposes: many investors was not informed that only 72% of to be of them equity incl. premium for the purchase of vessels flow. No education about the risks of participation: That the participation in ship ownership is an entrepreneurial participation associated with considerable risks, which can lead to a total loss of deposit, also was concealed by our clients. Concealed risks of missing long-term charter contracts: also remained unmentioned that the ships have no fixed Charter, that so the “rental” of vessels in part may be subject to significant fluctuations, so that the revenues possible way can not sufficient to handle the costs and interest and repayment. This has now given the disastrous situation on the global shipping markets means that the revenue significantly lag behind the forecast values. Insufficient information about peculiarities of credit contracts: Also the 105% clause in the credit agreements and their impacts was not explained our clients in consulting. No evidence on risks of partial funding in Yen: Nor, our clients have been advised on the risks resulting from the partial borrowing in Japanese YEN.

The loss in value of the US $ against the yen has the effect that the debt of the Fund – in the US use currency $ expected – rise and the interest and amortization expenses also rise. Because certain errors in the advice keep coming up, we see promising opportunities for the enforcement of claims for damages for the violation of obligations under the respective contracts of advice. > Also you want to know more information about HCI shipping select XXV, how your chances of enforcing claims for damages?