Although Taiwan

Thursday, 22. November 2018

When the first case was confirmed in April of this year of Taiwan by H7N9 avian flu, the Center for disease control reported (Center for disease control, CDC) the country promptly the transaction in accordance with the principles of transparency, openness and tolerance WHO, in accordance with the international health regulations (international health regulations, her). Although Taiwan is currently not a party within the framework of the WHO preparedness against pandemic flu viruses (WHO pandemic influenza preparedness, WHO/PIP), but we still abide by the rules and voluntarily participate in the transparent Ruckverfolgbarkeitsmechanismus for PIP bio-materials, and we make available on request strains. Taiwan is also willing to donate vaccines, drugs and other materials required for rapid disease prevention to needy countries to close loopholes in the global disease prevention network in this way. In addition to the prevention of infectious diseases, Taiwan has made great progress in accident prevention. Health Minister Chiu is a neurosurgeon of world renown.

Before he was appointed to his current post, he sat down for A road safety, and in 1997, a law was passed that had a helmet for motorcycle and moped riders. Thus been significantly reduced the number of head injuries in Taiwan. On the list of leading causes of death accidents by place fell three ranked six, so that now per year nearly 3,000 fewer people die from head injuries. This testifies to how important it is to promote both disease prevention and health improvement, and this also reflects the ideas of WHO. The program of national health insurance (national health insurance, NHI) is a further milestone in public health in Taiwan. Since its implementation in 1995, the NHI has eliminated economic barriers to medical care and made them more accessible. The approval rating for the program over the past 18 years was always between 70 and 80 percent, and the achievements of the programme have been praised all over the world.

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