
Monday, 31. December 2018

To set out the methodology that these benefits are clearly defined and potential projects brought in relation. To create the basis for this, including the analysis and the need in the first step matching the following information be: business objectives and fields of action derived from (directions: how many, who, with what priorities…?), corporate strategy, departmental objectives (how many, which ones, and with what priorities…?), strategy, correspondence to the corporate strategy, understanding of the role of the Department in the company, currently used evaluation and decision criteria for innovations, appropriate assessment and decision-making procedures, mechanisms for the creation of acceptance of decisions (transparency, Reasoning, communication), approval of the set parameters for the project assessment step 2: method adaptation and tool development In the second step is setting the statements of objectives, levels, evaluation dimensions, evaluation criteria, questions, Bewertungscluster, descriptions, weights, implementation in a tool (tool configuration). “The methodology for developing portfolio management has several functions to meet: using a bindingly agreed and accepted by the parties uniform rating system, with all the innovations measured” are. Assessment and prioritization of innovation with regard to their contribution to the utility maximization based on monetary and qualitative perspectives. Transparency, traceability and thus communicating ability of the reviews / decision and the underlying arguments that have led to the prioritization. Different forms of representation on the example of the assessment of the contribution of innovation to target achievement and strategy compliance. Step 3: pilot application with the instruments on the first two steps, you have now a Tool at hand, to assess the project program.

Generally it is able to act alone. It is however helpful, looked after the upcoming innovations and products, or a certain excerpt thereof within the framework of a pilot run by the method developers or carried out. This leads to a capacity discharge, an increased transfer of know-how and training effect are for those individuals in the company who are entrusted with evaluating the innovation as a result. There is also the possibility to optimise the methodology through practical use to identify optimization opportunities in tool support and to implement directly. A reduction in complexity by focusing on a few, strategically important criteria is important to consider principles for project prioritization in establishing a method to project prioritization, as well as during operation (courage to the gap!).

Furthermore, a systematic and consistent evaluation system must be adopted together. This allows reviews for projects or Innovations to make comparable and they prioritize against each other. The simultaneous consideration of qualitative and monetary quantities, without to merge them to a single index is aiming for no decision automatism “!” Such a methodology can be seen as a common communication platform, different interests and perspectives. Therefore, it is required to create graphics and to apply its interpretation as a basis for discussion for technicians, merchants, and other stakeholders. Thus the methodology also lived”is the usability (user friendliness) is critical when entering and using the results. A systematic alignment of investments on the corporate strategy sustainably increases the operating profit.

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