Cell Phone Use
Friday, 6. February 2015
In recent years, people are increasingly concerned about the plays of cellular phones. And whether listen to my cell phone? To listen to understand your cell phone or listen to know what are the ways of tapping cell. To date, there are 3 ways to listen to cell phones. The first is the wiretapping of mobile phone operator. Competent staff law enforcement bodies to address Court, cellular operators are required to provide wiretapping facilities, as well as provide other data such as sms, call history and location of a cellular phone. Another way to wiretapping, wiretapping is a special a device that costs between 300 and 000 to 500 000 euros. This ustroistvo works by intercepting data from a cell phone to cell phone and allows you to listen to a distance not exceeding 300 meters. The most common way to listen to cell phone is special software that is installed on the phone of the victim. The Wire is the principle of a conference call with another number.