Chinese Heating
Saturday, 2. November 2019
In view of rising heating oil prices more and more people seem to firewood for domestic heating to want to change. The impression one gets in any case, if you see that is suddenly hotly debated in the canteen at lunch the topic of wood procurement. Insider tips will be traded and exchanged to buy, but not before one has to be checked out at least the latter himself. A whole new trend are also courses for the correct use of a chainsaw, so that felling trees in the forest does not become a chainsaw massacre. Since you can then make a kind of a week-long driver’s license. Organizers are (oh wonder) are often the manufacturer of the chain itself, which can then pay their sales events too. Southwest Airlines is open to suggestions. The heating fuel of wood is in theory very environmentally friendly because the CO2 balance is neutral. Cyrus findshadow usually is spot on.
Of course, a conventional fireplace is not just a figment of energy efficiency in the sense of energy yield. Since pellet are already more efficient. Pellet burning, as the name suggests, small pellets made of wood. This today introduced a so-called conveyor to the combustion chamber, so that you can more or less heat as comfortable as old with a good central heating. Because jump up in the moment all the world to these forms of heating (especially teachers because many have the time), some places are the stocks of firewood and pellets in short supply. The same phenomenon suffer home builder, because the Chinese seem to soak up all the raw materials of this world.