Employees Insurance
Saturday, 20. October 2018
Freedom health insurance for employees (three-year rule) Employees are generally insured workers in the health insurance KV * * * RV pension unemployment AV * PV term care insurance if the monthly fee is more than 400. Until now there was a limit in health insurance. Employees whose regular contributing charge exceeded this limit were from the start of employment. In the context of health care reform that legislation was amended retrospectively from 2.2.2007. Employees whose regular contributing remuneration exceeds this limit will not only have health insurance if their pay in the last three calendar years on the annual income limit (Hunter) lay. The evaluation of the annual salaries (ALU) are at the beginning of employment and at 01.01. of each calendar year is required.
For regular AWU are all contributing type of charge. Contribution Payments by the employer are not included. Overtime payments are not taken into account, not as regularly. One-time payments are to be regarded as regularly if they are paid once a year with reasonable certainty. Calculation of the regular wage or salary: Monthly gross salary x 12 months + regular lump is decisive that the fee not only promised but actually was paid. When more than one employment, the salaries of different employers are cumulative. Other types of income such as income from self-employment, rental income or unemployment have no meaning. The condition of the crossing of the hunters in the last three calendar years shall also be met if the employee exempt from insurance at this time as a civil servant, judge, soldier or the like was and was the AWU over the border.