Five Agencies

Sunday, 10. June 2018

This document defines your rights and also allows you, if necessary, to defend their interests in court. You should receive a copy of the contract after its conclusion. Pay attention to the terms of the contract. It is in your best interest to its validity limited to the end of your trial period, the employer and not limitations of the proposed agency vacancies. Additional information at Cloud Computing supports this article. Pay attention to the article "Payment", particularly on the part of it which relates to payment If it is impossible the provision of services. Often at this point the agency are trying to protect its interests at the expense of yours. Sometime in 2008 I myself was looking for a job. Here's how it was.

Pre-writing out all the ads on I'm interested in jobs, went to the interview. Of the five advertisements, one received a recruitment agency. At first, I did not know where to hit. They gave me a form to fill out, I diligently filled her, then I was offered pay 800 rubles for what will give the address of the company, which has an attractive vacancy for me. And what is most interesting, I was ready to take no work experience with wages 25,000 rubles. Naturally I thought it suspicious, because I know how much of my professional level without experience, and politely said, think about it.

Of course, I never returned there. And a little more about scams! Now, in times of crisis, such as paid "Recruitment agencies" were activated. Using the fact that there are massive layoffs everywhere, "black" agencies supplement their pockets at the expense of naive unemployed by promising mountains of gold. In 2009, working personnel manager, I met every day misguided people who were sure that after paying the staffing agency a round sum, the position in our company they already have in your pocket. That's what, for example, I was told People applying for a driver. The agency convinced them that we have such a vacancy, and we are urgently need these workers. Although we have not even said about this vacancy. What we have idle machines, falls delivery and other nonsense. So if you do not want to stick to companies that collect a piece of failures in the "Plan your job search," good enough on their own to gather information about available vacancies in your area. Remember that success in depends on you. Thus, the benefits of contact with paid employment agencies are as follows: they are cooperating with the "problem" categories of applicants, but not always interested in finding work each client, in connection with which you can count on advice until the end of the probationary period is extremely rare. lack of cooperation with paid employment agencies are: too often provided that such company – it is on the brink of bankruptcy, thinking not about customers but about how to survive, often paid for their services does not depend on the employment of the client; often among them caught cheaters. If you are on the stage of looking for work – go to the site 'School of the unemployed'.

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