
Tuesday, 4. September 2018

Ie one-bedroom apartment now costs about 30 tys.u.e., bedroom – about 40 tys.u.e. and Two-bedroom – 50 tys.u.e. Certainly, in the homes of modern construction prices will be higher, and two-bedroom apartment in the new house will cost around 70-80 tys.u.e. In the primary market of firm-developers declare today the average price about 4-5 thousand uah. per sq.

meter of living space economy class. Speaking about the realities of the modern Ukrainian real estate market, one can not distinguish one type of buyer. I would have called him a "visionary>>. There was always this type, but recently become more expressive and gaining strength. Who are these "far-sighted>>? This type of buyer, which in large fluctuations in the Ukrainian real estate market is no longer at risk to invest their capital in the designated segment in Ukraine and more drew attention to the overseas property. Property in Spain: How to buy a dream? "I think any man in the street has already drawn attention to appear on the big boards and other advertising media slogans like: "Affordable real estate on the Mediterranean coast of Spain>>.

Can it really available? Contact one of the companies of the modern metropolis, offering expert help in buying property in Spain and find out some interesting facts. It turns out that buying property in Spain today is interesting rather broad stratum of inhabitants of the megalopolis. Firstly, these are people who love relax on the Spanish coast and do not want every time to take care of choosing a hotel or cottage for your stay.

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