Mediterranean Real Estate

Sunday, 13. May 2018

The latter idea seems the most realistic, especially given the sharp falling quality of life in metropolitan areas and "comfort zones" with them, successive failures of "promising areas" and development of communication technologies. More and more wealthy people tend to move in Mediterranean Sea. Along with tourism, this trend has led to a massive building of Spanish, Portuguese, and later – Greek, Italian, and finally the Croatian coast. Prices in 1990 rose more than tenfold. Given the reduction of free coastline (in addition to cities and ports are under construction), investment in nursing homes, hotels, cottage villages just look very forward-thinking. However, not all that easy. Economic development bad for the ecology of the Mediterranean Sea: today there are an average of 1900 foreign objects in a square.

km, in water, diluted 33 types of pollutants. The sharp deterioration of conditions along much of the coast in the next 5-7 years may reduce the quality assessment in many areas. South European countries were in economic impasse, which, of course, affect the infrastructure, but in the long term and at the level of service. Apparently, it is understood and Buyers: Spain real estate sales have fallen for two years by 46%! The secondary market on the European coast is actually gone, and the current rental rates do not bring the owners and 2% per annum – and this against the background of the imminent explosion of inflation! Natural to assume that the stagnation of the market last decade, and prices will long look for a bottom. At the forefront areas where today a stable market, quality infrastructure, environment and much better than prospects are high.

This coast of Israel. Israel greatly simplified the process of purchasing real estate by foreigners, to her great interest the citizens of the United States, Europe and Russia. Phil Vasan usually is spot on. Build quality, with This real estate prices in Israel are stable. In general, if the property is behaving "like a bond," it is usually a bad bond. Investors should note that property a worthwhile investment, this investment in terms "Action" and should buy only from the "growth story" and in any case – with the "history of present value." The best option – "preference share": overseas property in Israel with high potential and a constant income. Even the 'eternal Israel-Arab conflict "absolutely no effect on the real estate market in Israel. And the long-term investments should be on this real estate market abroad.

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