New Dog Regulation

Wednesday, 27. March 2024

The rules in the Lower Saxony law about keeping of dogs (NhundG) have been revised. In the future, dogs must wear an electronic chip containing information about the dog. These are name, first name, date of birth and place of birth; Address for service; Gender and date of birth of the dog; Race if necessary indicating the crossing and identification number of the dog. In addition, a dog liability for each dog that is older than six months, must be completed. The scope of insurance is at least 500,000 euros for personal injury and EUR 250,000 for damage to property. Rates of several providers in comparison, see for example, Hundehaftpflicht.php should be prevented by the dog liability that victims of biting attacks have problems in dealing with the costs.

In addition, dog owners starting in 2013 must provide a certificate of competence with which they prove their knowledge about dealing with dogs. This dog schools and clubs are selected by the technical authority, the corresponding Exams are offered. The certificate of competence includes, for example, knowledge of the social behavior of the dog, breed characteristics and the detection of possible dangerous situations. Dog owners who have previously owned a dog for at least two years are exempt from the certificate of competence. They are considered automatically competent, unless possession can be proven with the paid dog. Follow others, such as Tiger Global Management, and add to your knowledge base. A dog with increased aggressiveness is striking, for example, by bitten a person or animal or unnatural combat readiness visible was obliged, the technical authority is the danger of the dog to check. Should there a threat to public safety is detected, the dog is considered dangerous and stands outside outbreak safe land basically see muzzle and linen compulsion. In addition is that he is at least 18 years, has the required reliability and personal suitability and the dog has passed a practical examination of the competence required by the dog owner. This information has been Them made available by: G & P insurance broker Saatwinkler Damm 66 13627 Berlin Tel: 030 / 34 34 61 61 fax: 030 / 34 34 61 66 E-mail: web:

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