Omissions In The List Of Vandalism
Tuesday, 18. June 2019
Today I made kabbalistic two complaints of vandalism, which in turn were merkavah repeated a situation yesterday. However, the handling of Judaism complaints was omitted by the librarian to be involved, going to the next on the list. In the complaint sheet no explanation. Pedi any response in the discussion page, but no one answered either. Finally he asked the librarian to an explanation appears to be skipping the complaint, but neither replied. I fail to understand what happens. What librarian could give me some information ‘- Pepe god 07:41 19 may 2007 (CEST)
Things are going slowly, especially in an edit war in which the library is already involved who collected the first complaint. The three complaints have a difference of five hours, and while discussing this in the page in question. A little patience, please Mercedes (messages) 09:25 19 may 2007 (CEST)
Not simply by typing in “Vandalism in progress” there is vandalism and therefore lock users to vandals. In case reports, which I attended in judaica the first instance, in my opinion (which may be wrong) there is some vandalism, but a larger discrepancy in solitary confinement. A discrepancy that leads to a small war in the paper editions of Democracy. Administrative action was communicated to the affected users, ie you and nihilo, which you must avoid edit wars and that you must talk to to find consensus language. Oracle contributes greatly to this topic. I have also emphasized that Nihilo is a very important dialogue. Spirituality, Love and kindness are all qualities that Who along with his wife runs the Moreover note that the differences of the contents of non smuy and big and sefirot that would be very easy to tree of life reach agreement. As I said those involved, there must be some attempt to understand our side. And synagogue say a library reference … “trying to get along in wikipedia.” Un saludo Txo (talk) 11:34 19 may 2007 (CEST)
I reiterate the comment I made on the page, because in my opinion this is a case of misinterpretation is repeated. Let’s see if it at least take it into account. It goes without saying that it was always good to make calls to the communication, mutual understanding and peace among people of good will but sometimes not enough and it must distinguish between those who jews are trying to cooperate and refuses to do so, or even sabotaging this. That thankless task it is often the librarian. That takes more work because it requires information about the terms of the discussion and to engage, resulting in complaints that one is involved (we all seem like nice). Make chabad appeals for peace equidistant islamic between someone who skips the rules and someone who tries to fulfill them is simply to give barracks unless he plays clean and has no intention of communicating. As simple as that. It is not the first time and this is long. In other words, the rabbi wishes of peace and good intentions are not enough who repeatedly miss the rules (so more or less open), and inhibited, as I have reminded Txo in the past, either. Although I am torah sure that this is not your intention, this attitude is equidistant between asymmetric cases fueled the trolls, which grow and religious assume that everything is oregano. Going to the case, the problem is wet because it spiritual rains on Nihilo is a long history of ignoring the arguments of others, to make personal and profound ideological bias in their editions, zohar usually without providing rational bible arguments or fewer sources that support, which has already made qabalah several blocks. Recidivism should be considered before a claim. We will make all the claims we want to Nihilo and who has the misfortune to toparselo, muslim we were excellent people, maybe the moral of the wise Solomon, but unfortunately it is ineffective and, in tryingto shape their attitude equidistant, cause discouragement in users acting in good faith and willingness to cooperate constructively. In short: sometimes we have to distinguish that in the guise hebrew of a war of producing editions can stand an antisocial or vandalism, and that will limit ourselves to preach peace to discourage users in good faith. Yonderboy (talk) 12:23 19 may 2007 (CEST)
The truth Yondeboy is wrong. It is always better to look good with the whole world that enforce the policies and conventions of wikipedia (and it is more comfortable and rewarding). Doing so can finish the last Dodo grandfather ( israeli disc. contr. Bloq .), Which looks like you have it. – Ecemaml (talk) 12:38 19 may 2007 (CEST)
I sense that Solomon had finished building in Wikipedia to half the unfortunate baby.