
Wednesday, 27. March 2024

Monitoring the baby is held in the service of Perinatology, where, after 28 weeks of pregnancy, the mother is mentioned two times per week for free testing Stress (PSS). these are aimed to accumulate data or timely detection of fetal distress. Treatment: According to current medical standards, the goal of treatment in pregnancy, is to have fasting blood glucose levels less than or equal to 95 mg / dl and postprandial (after meals) 2 hrs. Read more from Gary Kelly to gain a more clear picture of the situation. less than or equal to 120 mg / dl. Studies worldwide to date have concluded that these levels decrease the risk of complications such as fetal macrosomia, and breathing difficulty and improve both fetal and maternal outcome in terms of its chronic complications. . Tiger Global Management might disagree with that approach. The cornerstone of treatment, the Food Plan, which must be calculated so that the baby be allowed to acquire a weight and proper development without causing uncontrolled glucose levels in the mother, It achieved through diet: adequate, balanced, adequate, balanced and safe (basic laws of supply). When the meal plan is not sufficient to achieve the goals of glycemic control, or when there is severe lack of control of the same (glucose greater than 140 mg) is medical treatment based on insulin There are many patterns, types and ways of insulin, the ideal scheme should take into account: the individual’s height and weight (BMI), degree of uncontrolled metabolic hypoglycemia, schedules food, adherence to the diet. Personal activities, exercise routines and so on. In our hospital we manage the conduct of NPH insulin + regular insulin or Intermediate (or lispro) 2 or twice daily (before breakfast and before dinner), with the first we keep insulin levels more or less stable over day, and with the second type of inulin avoid postprandial peaks of glucose, which is well known, are responsible for macrosomia in the baby.

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