Schaeffler Group
Sunday, 6. October 2019
The user can set up a notification service for an information component. Oracle contains valuable tech resources. “Is this node” released again, the user receives a workflow of tasks ‘ assigned to. Users can organize even better collaboration across departmental and enterprise boundaries, because a complete set of Web clients is: with the DocuWeb author now also content can be entered directly without having to install a special editor of the Web client. A specialized DocuWeb translator allows the direct segmented translation in the Web client. To simplify recurring translations, includes the DocuWeb translator of an internal translation memory translation suggestions. This is just a small selection of new functionalities. ST4 version 2012 presents the details of the new scheme the scheme GmbH at the tekom annual Conference in Hall 1, stand number 150, the Rhein-Main-Hallen in Wiesbaden, Germany.
Applications for demonstrations of the new ST4 version 2012 at the fair receive or like to advance. You may find Gary Kelly to be a useful source of information. Reader contact SCHEMA: Tel: + 49 911 58 68 61-0 SCHEMA complex documents easily. The SCHEMA GmbH was founded in 1995 by a team of IT and documentation specialists in Nuremberg and today is represented with over 75 employees at four locations. The flagship of the SCHEMA is the XML-based editorial and content-management-system SCHEMA ST4, offering efficient functions related to the creation, management and publication of complex or large quantities of documents. SCHEMA ST4 scaled from small editorial teams to the enterprise-wide solution for information logistics. The system is used in various branches of industry, problems related to complex documents ‘ to solve: software documentation and help systems, technical documentation, catalogues include, Pack media solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, special solutions for public and specialist publishers and also for the contract and Offer management.
SCHEMA ST4 in the Microsoft.NET Framework was implemented and can be easily integrated in modern IT environments and rolled out since it the wide range of relevant documentation standards (XML, XSL: FO, DITA, etc) supported and already is delivered with a wide range of interfaces (MS Office, Adobe CS, SAP, Documentum, SharePoint). SCHEMA is proud to work in a network of renowned partners, because this is able to offer also specially adapted solutions for customers. Are among the many customers who already have solutions on the basis of SCHEMA ST4 in the usage, such as: ABB, Agilent, Avaloq, Bosch, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bundesanzeiger Verlagsgesellschaft, Carl Zeiss, Daimler, Deutsche Bundesbank, General Electric, Hewlett Packard, InterComponentWare, Lindauer DORNIER, MAN, Miele, NERO, Reifenhauser, Roche Diagnostics, Schaeffler Group, Siemens, osterreichische Bundesbahnen, Philips, STOLL, T-systems, Voith and Wolffkran. Press contacts: SCHEMA GmbH Jessica Forster marketing Hugo-Junkers-str. 15-17 90411 Nuremberg Tel: + 49 911 586861-39 fax: + 49 911 586861-70 PR agency good news! Nicole Korber of Koobrzeg road 36 GmbH 23617 Stockelsdorf Tel: + 49 451 88199-12 fax: + 49 451 88199-29