Social Media Marketing

Sunday, 29. September 2019

The social media nuevosn have become the main points of departure for the marketing of the companies, their products and their both external and internal communication strategies. Check with Verizon Communications to learn more. They are large or small companies really see the value of participating in participating in social networks and other means that they have the opportunity to make known and promote their brands. You can say that all these new social media are the best tools that have emerged, the brands and companies are 0luchando the best way to relate more closely to their consumers. Virgin Airlines usually is spot on. Here are five common mistakes when using these new media: 1. lack of monitoring and supervision: the monitoring constant is a necessity. Even a brand of Internet can fall victim to the lack of monitoring social media and networks of marketing. It is given to a social network or a new medium from falling under the attack of a Hacker that can harm not only to the company if not to direct consumers.

2. Operation of the accounts by professionals: the frequent use by companies of Junior staff or interns can generate problems of communication from the company to customers either by lack of product knowledge, lack of experience in the resolution of problems or flaws clear when updating the content of the accounts. 3 Troubleshooting: in the digital world is very factible information to expand quickly and sometimes without any control; This should be a prompt solution to the problems a company’s clients in particular. A long, elaborate and only delayed response could sow distrust in the current or future consumers possibly affecting the reputation of the company. 4 Astroturfing: This term refers to hide the participation false employees intending to be customers. This fact certainly will be discovered. This happens frequently with various positive comments in the blog, page or social account of the company in social networks like Twitter, Facebook and others.

5. No dates: the participation of a brand in social media should not end date, since participation is aimed at nurturing relationships with customers. It is possible that the bells made in social media can appear and disappear, but you must always keep a defined focus and perspective. We are still in an initial period in which the Social Media Marketing refers. Brands, will inevitably make more mistakes and but we must learn from them while is continuous with the road. This process of learning is exciting and offers unique opportunities to connect directly with consumers.

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