Starnberger CTI

Saturday, 24. May 2014

“Summer campaign for the change of existing CTI and UC solutions Starnberg, 06 July 2011 with the motto of the summer is hot with fresh UC trends and cool prizes” unified goes ESTOS communications manufacturers in this year’s summer season. The promotion is valid in Germany from now until August 31, 2011. The campaign is to move small and medium-sized companies, existing CTI or UC solutions other manufacturers through the new and technically leading ESTOS ProCall 4.0 product enterprise to replace. They can obtain the software on the action terms of qualified ICT dealers and profit from high discounts. The latest generation of its bestseller ProCall introduced the Starnberger software manufacturer 4.0 Enterprise on the occasion of this year’s CeBIT. More recently the so-called Federation offers the solution in addition to classic CTI features, Office integration, instant messaging and presence management. Similar to the concept of social networks such as Facebook & co company on open standards-based (E.g. SIP / SIMPLE) and secure protocols (E.g.

TLS) presence information and instant messages between Exchange such as with customers, suppliers or business partners. ESTOS with attractive price conditions would like to motivate customers who use so far, CTI – or UC systems of other providers, to use leading technology and future-oriented UC solutions from Starnberg on the cutting edge, yet in the summer of 2011. With the purchase of ProCall 4.0 Enterprise savings of up to EUR 30,-per seat license is feasible for end customers in the framework of the campaign. Double benefit companies that want to use ProCall in combination with the LDAP directory service MetDirectory 3.0 Professional. End customers receive a concrete offer with the exact conditions for their qualified ICT – dealers. The action is valid until August 31, 2011 while stocks last -. For more information interested on the special promotional landing page partner/sommeraktion.html.

All mentioned ESTOS software products can by ESTOS website download and test without registration 45 days free of charge. About ESTOS since 1997, develops and distributes the ESTOS GmbH innovative standard software, and is now a leading manufacturer of unified communications products. The CTI – and SIP-based solutions are used to optimize the workflow in communication-intense areas of business. Numerous strategic technology and sales partners in Europe and has today more than 500,000 customers benefit from the know-how of ESTOS. The independent producer has its headquarters in Starnberg near Munich as well as a branch in the Italian Udine.

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