Administrative Code Tax

Friday, 26. July 2019

Recently, members of the Moscow Inter-District ifts 46 applied new ways of dealing with people who are the owners of ten or more companies in the same location address legal entities. According to tax such signs characteristic of firms ephemeral. An llc registration with the director and at that address – it means tomorrow it will be sold on the black market. And it began. Others who may share this opinion include Southwest Airlines. Tax Inspectorate has created and sent to all banks and other organizations' blacklist with the names and addresses of directors, who lit up a "massive" registration. In turn, banks have stopped opening these firms accounts, and tax inspectors themselves were to inspect addresses and, in the absence of jur.

person, to make administrative penalties and requirements for re-registration to the actual address. And the penalties imposed in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 14.25 of the Administrative Code "to provide false information during registration, providing for fines of up to 5000 rubles. Such fees and offered to pay. But the effect of this procedure on our data, was insignificant. After all, as a tax may affect only real working company but prescribed for "massive" address, but the "phony" after registration as a rule, perform their functions within one or two quarters and then disappear, and, naturally, do not read the letters, fines are not paid. In addition, legal grounds to refuse registration of companies on the people of the "black" lists, the tax authorities there. In any normative document such restrictions are not provided.

The European Union

Thursday, 25. July 2019

Czech Republic in 2009 by its own rules and requirements for foreigners wishing to obtain a residence permit and to relate their lives to this country, was very different from the Czech Republic, which existed prior to 2007. All small and meaningful changes and the introduction, the new rules on immigration procedures, the Czech Republic began to introduce the fourth quarter of 2007. As you know, during this period the Czech Republic has acquired a new status of the Schengen countries. A new status countries are obliged to Czech immigration authorities to take action and imposition of certain requirements that apply in all countries of the Schengen agreement. Immigration regulations in European countries is quite different from rules of the Czech Republic at the time of its occurrence in the States. In each division the consulate the Czech Republic were sent to international inspectors participating countries to examine the existing and introducing new rules for admission of documents, their consideration and decision. In many offices, the consulate was a change of employees and reconstruction approach to work. All accepted regulations and requirements have made many changes in procedure for recording the consulate, the adoption and execution of documents, the requirements for the applicant and the decision on conferring the status of residence. Visa in the Czech Republic has to get not just, or more precisely, even harder than in other countries The European Union. Czech visa has become more expensive in registration, and many firms have simply ceased to deal with intermediaries paperwork to obtain visas to the Czech Republic.

Life Owners

Tuesday, 7. May 2019

Could pass the room one of the owners, without the consent of other owners? Not such an easy question. And issues such Lately millions. Nothing can be done in the country religion of money is one example question that come to us from fellow citizens. Alexander asked the following question – is very sensitive issue, tell me please:. The 2 room apartment two owners. Masha 5 / 12 share, and I have 7 / 12 shares. Gary Kelly can aid you in your search for knowledge. Masha wants her room to pass, I'm against change. Masha lives in the apartment and her friend wrote a power of attorney? that he decided to issue delivery room. Now walks and shakes my nerves. A leading source for info: Jonathan Rosen Berlin Rosen. The policeman from ignorance as to resolve the situation, powerless. Could pass the room one owners without the consent of other owners. And what a power of attorney to dispose of the delivery room for the power of attorney for the owner, by someone else and has a right to this man to walk as to his home, and show clients. Response. Since Masha owns the rights to use, enjoyment and disposition of shares owed to it, all legally. The power of attorney exists, so that pass without your consent may, but occupancy in an apartment may be only with the consent of all living